Continued Fighting in Lebanon Insured by Proposed UN deal!
If press reports of a deal in the UN to have Israel withdraw from Southern Lebanon while the Lebanese Army, in league with additional UN Peacekeepers, takes over security of the Southern Lebanese border, are correct… nothing changes. Hizbollah will continue to fire rockets into Israel and Israel will be forced to hunker down and take it.
This is the worse possible deal, of all the bad deals, the UN could possibly have agreed upon. And for the US delegation to agree to this is unforgivable! (If, indeed, this IS the deal… and IF the US has agreed to it!)
Go here for the News article on the proposed deal:
Anytime the French are involved you can bet on surrender. And that is what is proposed with this “deal”. If Olmert and the Knesset agree to this, there should be a major shake-up in the Israeli government and Benjamin Netanyahu should, immediately, be installed as Prime Minister of Israel. As of this moment I know of no Israeli politician better suited to handle the situation with Hizbollah in the north and the Palestinians (Hamas) in the south and the Iranians to the east, north, and the south of Israel.
The moment this “deal” is agreed to there with be an instantaneous declaration of victory by the Hizbollah. Their ranks will grow, as will their boldness. All this “deal” will produce is more death and destruction. Nothing is settled, nor will it be settled… until Hizbollah is utterly destroyed!
Once again, the UN comes down against Israel and FOR the Islamic terrorists.
Get the US out of the UN… at once! And get the UN out of the US… also at once! Destroy the building and replace it with a war museum!
I urge the US Congress to shut off all funding of the UN immediately!
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