Already, Lebanon has rejected the UN Cease-fire Resolution hammered out by US and French Diplomats.
We have come to think Middle Easterners, with the exception of Israel, actually love war... and the murder, killing, and mayhem intrinsic in all wars.
Go here for the full story:
One would think Lebanon, swamped by foreign armes at war in it's country, on it's soil, would be happy for any agreement, short of slavery, that would halt the killing of Lebanese long enough to allow Lebanon to institute some kind of control over it's own country. But, NO! The Lebanese have demands!

I wonder if the Lebanese government, such as it is, has taken a look out the window? Do they not see they are a war zone for foreign armies? Do they not see their country is being controlled from Damascus and Teheran? Are they not aware that a new Iranian commander has been dispatched from Iran to take over the Iranian/Hizbollah fighters in Lebanon?
Or... do they simply not care? Had they rather Israel be wiped from the map... even at the cost of the lives of their own people? One would have to decide the later is their choice.
It is difficult to fathom the bloodlust of the Islamic peoples for the death of Israel. It is even more difficult to fathom the depth of their hatred for their blood kin... the Jews.
This issue poses a true dilemma for me. I think at the root of this problem is that Lebanon is an Arab nation. There are both Muslims and Christians in abundance in Lebanon, and it seems that all of them are anti-Israel in this conflict, so the only thing that binds the Lebanese Muslims and Christians is their "Arabness," a kind or "us against them" sort of mentality.
ReplyDeleteIf this is true, or even if not, Hezbollah has done a masterful job of ingratiating itself among the populace.
I feel if Isreal would have showed some reserve, came forward with proof of their claims and acutaully let civilians leave, they blew up bridges, roads and airports then dropped leaflets telling people to leave once the couldn't. They ordered a villiage to evacuate, the called in airstrikes on their caravans. Had they acted "honorably" in the face of dishonorable advisaries they would have support, but since the acted worse that the "evil" they are fighting, they helped their enemies. I think this is overlooked by the right, who want to call the left "soft" or anti-war, we just have more of a "level headedness", especialy when it comes to war and killing, that can't be done indescriminately. It is just sad that the people who support politics on the right can't gain that level of intellect, and demand better from our "leaders".
ReplyDeleteYou don't win wars by fighting "fair". If we still did that, we'd still be lining opposing troops op on a field, facing each other, and let them fire, point blank, at the other until one side, or the other, was decimated or fled the field.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite generals of the Civil War, General James Longstreet, CSA. Thought it was utter nonsense. "Ole Pete" ordered his men to dig trenches and pile fence rails, tree trunks, or whatever, in front of the trenches to use as cover and, from which, to fire upon the exposed Federal troops. The result was... the Federals were slaughtered. Warfare was changed forever. It was a precurser of the tactics of World War One.
I sure wish our CiC, and SecDef, would take a page from the IDF's playbook and stop the "politically correct" war we have going on in Iraq. US troops are being killed needlessly when a few strategicly placed "battlefield nukes" (or one of Jimmy Carter's Neutron bombs) would end it in a matter of days.
You don't win wars by fighting "fair". If we still did that, we'd still be lining opposing troops op on a field, facing each other, and let them fire, point blank, at the other until one side, or the other, was decimated or fled the field.
No you don't in the beginning but you stop your enemies from gaining support, Hezbollah has gained strength and support on Isreal's actions alone.
One of my favorite generals of the Civil War, General James Longstreet, CSA.
Not a good argument, the CSA lost!, or as you say it's half time.
(or one of Jimmy Carter's Neutron bombs) would end it in a matter of days.
So I guess Jimmy Carter was not weak in the defense spectrum after all.
Next point?
Have a good day Ole' Friend.
And watch out for those Hurricanes, as pointed out in another post.
You know, I don't know if the US ever built that bomb, or not. Jimmy proposed it, as I recall. It was supposed to kill people and leave buidings and infrastructure intact.
ReplyDelete"Blessed are the peacemakers"...huh?
maybe peace by supperior firepower.
ReplyDeleteYou know I prayed for world peace then one night I had a dream, I found a lamp witha genie in it, and it granted me a wish, I wished for world peace, that everyone would just get a long and agree on everything, and leaders wouldn't force their will on those they lead, and "POOF" I was the only person on earth.
Have a good day sir.