Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Democrats will Open the Gates to the Barbarians!

I must tell you, having French troops in the vanguard of the UN “Peace-Keeping” troops, soon to be sent to Lebanon, (if the UN has it's way) just gives me all kinds of confidence they will do a “smashing” job.

If this were not so serious, it would be utterly laughably. Those “blue helmets” are going to scare the living daylights out of Hizbollah! Yeah, I can see it now!

Those Hizbollah fighters will eat those “blue helmets” for lunch.

I have yet to hear what the rules of engagement, or non-engagement, the blue helmets will be getting killed under… I mean… keeping the peace under. But, unless they are given carte blanche to fire… without waiting to be fired upon… they are dead men even before they get off the plane, or ship, in Lebanon.

Another concern is that with the obvious bias of the UN for the Hizbollah, how will the UN troops act towards Israel? My suspicion is they will come down on the side of the Hizbollah… and Israel will wind up having to fight, Hizbollah, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and the UN… all at the same time. I sincerely hope there are no US forces integrated in that UN Force. (Oh, I forgot… UN Force is an oxymoron!)

I have thought, for many years, that eventually, the US would be at war with the UN and would meet blue helmeted troops on the battlefield in open warfare. This move by the UN to send French-led UN troops to Lebanon may well be the precursor for just such a meeting.

Every conservative in the US, Republican or Democrat, knows the UN is the enemy of the United States. Why the US is still a member of the UN is mystifying, to say the least. I can only mark it up to the old adage: “Keep your friends close… your enemies even closer!” It is the only reasonable answer I can find.

With the November Congressional Elections only weeks away, Americans have to ask themselves whether they wish to live free… or… live as slaves to the Islamofacist terrorists of the world. There is no “middle ground” here. Either we win this war… or the US is no more. And IF you survive… you will be a slave for the remainder of your life.

Americans should ponder their up-coming decision in November. The choice is crystal clear: A Republican victory means continued war and freedom for Americans. A Democrat victory means surrender, defeat, and slavery for the American people.

Americans will never have a clearer choice than this November. It’s freedom or slavery.

The Israel vs. Hizbollah, Syria, and Iran war is drawing Americans attention to the carnage wrought by the “Islamo Terrorists”. The death and destruction they cause in Israel, on a daily basis, awaits the United States… if Conservatives lose control of the US government.

I know, I know! The argument that Conservatives have no leadership in Washington is a valid argument. I subscribe to it. But, we conservatives can bring heat to bear, as we have done several times in the past two years, and get things our way. As a for instance: two Supreme Court judges. So, even though we lack day-to-day representation in Congress we at least have influence heavy enough to sway votes. We will lose that if Democrats gain control of either of the houses of Congress.

We live in perilous times. All free people are in danger of losing their freedom to a religious sect bent on nothing less than world domination. We cannot let our guard down for one second. A Democrat government would not only open the gates to the barbarians, but also invite them in.

Surely we Americans value our freedom more than that! Don’t we??????


1 comment:

  1. We live in perilous times. All free people are in danger of losing their freedom to a religious sect bent on nothing less than world domination. We cannot let our guard down for one second. A Democrat government would not only open the gates to the barbarians, but also invite them in.

    Surely we Americans value our freedom more than that! Don’t we??????
    Obviously not! The guys on your side due more to errode our freedoms and privacy. The Patriot Act, Telephone and financial evesdropping, and you guys thing it is o.k., we are at war. Well I want a brave America that defends our freedoms from Terrorists and the worst threat to them, Our Own Damn Government. When has a governmnet ever said, "We don't need these powers anymore, lets give the up."? I am tired of Congress rolling over for the President, there is a seperation of powers for a reason, the branches are not to be offchutes of each other. Then the only thing left is a free press, they are not to be a P.R. group for the government. Our founding fathers understood that without a well informed public there would be no democracy. This administration is destroying our Democracy. And it's mind numbing media outlet (FOX) is "dumbing down" our electorate with a buch of B.S. they call news. The religious sect we are loosing our freedoms to is Fundamentalist Christianity.
