Israel must rid itself of the Olmert Government.
This humiliating defeat of the IDF and the suffering of the Israeli people can be laid at the doorstep of the Israeli Prime Minister Ahud Olmert.
Israel cannot long survive with this brand of leadership, or should I say,” lack of leadership” in the Prime Minister’s office.
Israel’s first military defeat was "hand delivered" by the Olmert Administration with assistance for the US’ Bush Administration. The Israeli people deserve better than this. Their suffering, alone, makes it imperative for Olmert to step down.
For a unique Israeli view of the situation, we recommend you go here:
We sincerely hope the people of Israel will rise up, in righteous anger, and rid themselves of the Olmert government at the earliest possible moment.
Nothing has been solved by the latest UN resolution. It only prolongs the death and destruction, which will continue to be rained on Israel.. and her friends, even the questionable ones, including the US.
Our hopes and our prayers are with the people of Israel in this dark hour as they suffer this humiliating blot on their history.
Psalm 83
Oh come on we made it through two terms of Bush, a guy who signs bills into law, and does an end around the constitution with "signing statements" saying he dosen't need to follow those laws. He cheated his way into the whitehouse twice, the next presidential elections will be shams too, I'm sure. I am ambarrassed to be an American with this guy in, if I could throw away my citizenship I would. This administration is a disgrace to all that was good int his country.
ReplyDeleteNow you know how I felt during the Clinton Adminstration. (Except for throwing away my American citizenship.) On of the rights the American voter has ... is to make a fool of himself by voting idiots into office. We do it on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteWhat a country!!!
It wouldn't have been so bad had we voted this guy in. Sec. of atate in Ohio Ken Blackwell, Bush's campaign guy in ohio and overseer of the Ohio election wouldn't testify under oath that the elections in Ohio were on the up and up. Now he is running for Governor in this great state and he is already changing voter registration rules to keep new voters from signing up, and our lovely liberal media (I wish) has not one word of it. You see I care more about someone actually winning the election that I do who is there. The process must be protected. This guy didn't win and is not the legitimate president. In The Nation, there is an article about how in some districts in ohio where they had the gay marriage issue on the ballots (another republican scam), people voted for and against the ban but not 1 vote for Kerry. Does that make sense? It doesn't make sense without that piece pf legislation, I wouldn't expect every vote from a district or even a neighborhood to go to Bill Clinton at the peak of his approval ratings. And these guys refuse to testify under oath. Just another sign of they guilt. Bill Clinton should have refused to testify under oath.