Just about every sentient individual in the United States has come to the conclusion that "Global Warming" is a crock. The vast majority of Americans have reached this conclusion and it just irks the living daylights out of the Socialist Left.
When you place environmentalism beside Socialism, and consider them, they are virtually the same. Each wish to control society, especially any capitalist society. Socialism hasn’t gone away, it simple moved to a new home, the environmental movement.
REAL scientist will tell you the climate is warming, slightly, simply because the sun is warming. Whoops, there goes the global warming hoax.
That Kyoto Treaty would have creamed the economy of the US. Even Bill Clinton knew that. The Congress had the good sense to turn it down, flat…even while Clinton was still in the oval office.
Now, if you know anything, at all, about running a business, you know that the cost of doing business is pasted on to the consumer of the products that business produces.
So, when the “Greenies” scream, that Big Business will not pay the price to upgrade their equipment to meet the extremely high standards for clean air they endorse, just know that that claim is a crock, too. If you know business, you know the business will not bear that cost, but the consumers will bear that cost. When the consumer refuses to pay that increased cost, production is cut back. When production is cut back, jobs are cut back. It is a vicious cycle and, Dear Reader; it is a cycle, which would take us back to the Great Depression in just a few short years.
If these “Greenies” had the sense God gave a gnat, they’d know their demands would crash the US economy… unless, of course, that is exactly what they want. I choose to believe the latter.
So, look again at the environmentalist movement and compare it with the Socialists. Then decide for yourself if you really want to support a movement bent on the destruction of the US.
It would be near impossible to decide which is the more dangerous to the US… Environmentalism, or Islamofacism. Both want our destruction.
Wasn't it last year some of the moonbats began screaming about global freezing? Kinda wish they'd make up their minds.. is the earth going to burn or is it gonna freeze?
ReplyDeleteHey.. wait a minute.. that sounds just like summer and winter.. :-)
Yeah... it's sorta like those "super hurricanes" we were supposed to have this year due to "Global Warming".
ReplyDeleteI think I remember you saying something about being from Southeastern NC. I figured you'd know about our Hurricanes here in Hurricane Ally! The "experts" have already had to revise the forecast for the number off "severe storms" downward for this season.
Hazel was a Cat-4 when she hit us.
Katrina was a Cat-3 when she went ashore near New Orleans.
Hugo, in '89, was a Cat-4 when he came ashore just north of Charleston, SC.
We have learned, thru experience, that you can't predict a hurricane season, nor a single storm.
We watch the eastern horizon and, when a storm developes, we plan for the worst and hope for the best.
There have been much worse storms than Katrina, Hazel, or Hugo, long before anyone even thought of Global Warming.
I'm convinced that "Global Warming" is a hoax.
My clearest memory of a hurricane was Diana in 1984, NOAA says she was a CAT 2.. but I always remember her being stronger than that. She was so strong that when we went down in the creeks afterward one side of the creek would have trees intact, but the other side they would all be laying over like crop circles. Fishing hasn't been the same since.
ReplyDeleteHere's her path..
Scared the ever loving bejeebers out of me too.. that little blue line showing the track where she went out to sea (keeping in mind that was the eyes path) and came back.. that was right across us.
In 1989 when Hugo was threatening we were ready to leave if he'd shown a mind to turn a wee bit north. As it was we got some of the outer bands but were fortunate enough to miss the worst.
The hurricane everyone talked of when I was living there was Hazel. My dad tells about being in the civil air patrol and after Hazel they went out over Oak Island there was one house left along the ocean, everything else was devastated.. they found some bodies debris and all over in the swamps for a long time afterwards. Dad says there were more people killed than records say.
Needless to say when hurricane season comes I'm pretty happy to be up here in the mountains and not back down on the coast.. but then in 2004 there WAS (I believe) Frances and Ivan that BOTH made their way uup here before they finally fizzled.
Which hurricanes have you weathered down there?
All of 'em since 1941!
ReplyDeleteHazel's eye passed over a huge lake some 12 miles to my east.
I was 145 miles inland when she came ashore but I vividly remember seeing 55 gallon oil drums shot thru the air like missiles. Rooves of building torn off, windows blown out, power lines down, trees down, any any flat roofed building had it's roof rolled up, and pulled off, like opening a can of sardines with a key.
Your father was correct. There were more peole killed than was officially recorded.
As a broadcaster my job was to continually funnel info to people in my area, And when the police radios went down, I acted as an emergency point to point broadcaster. Until... I lost power, too.
I have seen, and witnessed, so many that they all run together. The standouts are, of course, Hazel and Hugo. Even tho Hugo came ashore just north of Charleston, that put us on the right front quadrant of the storm. The worst side of a storm .. period. Even at this distance from the eye lots of damage was done. We got creamed pretty good here. My hometown, just south of Charlotte, even tho it was 165 miles from Charleston, got creamed, too, and Charlotte was devestated.
Back in the late nineties we got hit twice in less than 30 days and we had four hits that season, totaled. Much of my county was under water when Floyd came thru.
I guess the point is... it's a little difficult to scare us old weather beaten residents of Hurricane Ally with all the talk of "Super Storms" as a result of the Global Warming theory (HOAX).
Well Longstreet, that's funny because "Climate Change" as the intellectualy challenged republicans call it is actually becoming uncontested as fact, even on their side. The oil companies pay "scientists" to write results saying man hs little or no impact on it. Satellite picture sof the ice sheet over th North Pole from '79 to '05 show a massive recession (melting for supporters of the G.O.P.) of the glaciers Ice samples (Cores) that date back 5000 yrs. show that never in their histery were CO2 levels this high. My neighbor insist their is no such thing even after saying that the beac she went to in Virginia has change so much, it is almost unregonizale. I find it funny that someone with too stupid to finish highschool could "know more" than scientists who went to school specifically for this kind of thing. But hey just figures, she's so dumb she votes Republican blindly. And for the record, all the prdictions about the ice sheet and enviormnrtal changes that were made 10 yrs. ago have come true, it is not at all like predicting tommorrow's weather, it is not so much meteorology as it is long term effects of certain conditions, very easy infact to model and predict.
ReplyDeleteLongstreet said:"I guess the point is... it's a little difficult to scare us old weather beaten residents of Hurricane Ally with all the talk of "Super Storms" as a result of the Global Warming theory (HOAX)."
ReplyDeleteYou are right on that.. even living up as far morth as I do now it's pretty hard for the talk of 'global freezing' to scare me. I suppose it was because we did live down in hurricane alley for so many years and were 'treated' to hurricane season every year. You kinda get used to it and preparation every year is more habit than anything.
Hurricane season fast approaches.. stay safe my friend.
Frank, I can't believe you're buying into the Global Warming crap!
ReplyDeleteLook, Ice Sheets melt, glaciers melt... and refreeze, and melt again, and refreze. How do you suppose Greenland got it's name??? When the Vikings found it, and settled there, it was green with forests and rolling savannahs of green grasses. Then it re-frose and the Vikings had to leave. Happens all the time. It's a cycle. Now it's melting again.
Earth's weather is in a never ending cycle. It gets cold, then it gets hot, then it gets cold again, and then hot, and so on, and so on. The cycle began at creation.
The socialist have hit upon this Global Warnimg scam as a way to spread their influence among the uniniated and scare the living daylights out of them.
Global Warming is the biggest hoax yet perpetrated upon mankind... ever!
We're reaching a peak of the warming phase, as we have been coming out of the last ice age for a very long time now. In a few more decades we'll begin the cooling phase... again.
I just don't see how anyone can be taken in by the hoax of Global Warming.
Little ole Lady... I'll do my best to stay safe.
ReplyDeleteI still think there is a huge flashing sign out in the south Atlantic, someplace, with a big arrow pointing the way to "Little River"! I think we should send an expedition to locate that thing and destroy it!
Best regards, my friend!
Look, Ice Sheets melt, glaciers melt... and refreeze, and melt again, and refreze. How do you suppose Greenland got it's name??? When the Vikings found it, and settled there, it was green with forests and rolling savannahs of green grasses. Then it re-frose and the Vikings had to leave. Happens all the time. It's a cycle. Now it's melting again.
ReplyDeleteEarth's weather is in a never ending cycle. It gets cold, then it gets hot, then it gets cold again, and then hot, and so on, and so on. The cycle began at creation.
Then even by your own admissions we are in a period of Global Warming, be it by nature on earth, phases of the sun, acts of man, or an act of the almighty, we are in a period of Global Warming. Everytime you say it isn't happening that just bewilders me, and makes you sound like an idiot. I'm not trying to offend you, just trying to point out that by your own admissions and by all the scientific data, the world is warming up, that's all, no great debate over why it is, just an acknowledgement that it is.
A NATURAL warming cycle. Not man made.
ReplyDeleteI think it is the height of human arrogance to believe that man can destroy the Earth. It is, I believe, the wishful thinking of a species who would like to think, and believe, that it is the highest power... not God.
One hurricane, alone, has more energy that a truckload of atomic bombs.
What is so difficult in believing that the seasons are controlled by nature and nature's God? The climate is His.
Only a people who believe they are more powerful than the Creator can believe they are capable of destoying His creation.
Psalm 8
"3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained;
4 what is man, that you think of him? What is the son of man, that you care for him?
5 For you have made him a little lower than God, and crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You make him ruler over the works of your hands. You have put all things under his feet:
7 All sheep and cattle, yes, and the animals of the field,
8 The birds of the sky, the fish of the sea, and whatever passes through the paths of the seas.
9 Yahweh, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"
We keep forgetting this.
I left by nature, or by the Almighty as viable explanations. I said i wouldn't debate the cause and I'm not. only said it is accepted science that the climate is changing, let's just say 'nuf said.