A Chance to Vote Against John Edwards Again?
John Edwards is still campaigning. This time for President. If would seem Mr. Edwards only stopped long enough to change shirts and launched immediately into his 2008 Presidential Campaign before the Kerry/Edwards train wreck had stopped smoking!
He is becoming a frequent visitor to the state of Iowa. In 2008 the Iowa precinct caucuses will open the nominating season for Presidential candidates.
Somehow, Mr. Edwards has completely missed the message Americans sent in 2004. The American electorate knows his name and, what’s even more important and telling, they know his politics and his policies. It cost Mr. Edwards, and Mr. Kerry, the election in 2004. The unfortunate truth, for Mr. Edwards is, that his message did get out. Americans did hear it and they rejected it.
Nothing much has changed as far as the electorate is concerned. They are prepared to reject Mr. Edwards and his message… again. I would point out that his home state of South Carolina and his adopted home state of North Carolina rejected Mr. Edwards and Mr. Kerry in 2004. Neither of those two states is prepared to vote for him… if given a second chance in 2008
Tar Heels are still angry over what is perceived as his personal ambition to be President when he ran for the US Senate the first time. We are convinced that the bulk of the six years he was in Washington, to represent the state of North Carolina, he was representing himself, positioning himself for a run at the top spot in American politics. That speaks volumes about him… none of it good.
So, he has not given up his quest for the holy grail of American politics. Mr. Edwards has about as much chance of corralling the Democratic nomination for President as a snowball has in Hades in August. That is… if Hillary decides to claim the prize. And she will. The Democratic nomination is hers. All she has to do is nod her acceptance.
Ah well, Mr. Edwards, maybe in 2012? How about 2016. Huh?
You don't think a man's hand should exceed his grasp?