(This Post First Ran in March of 2005)
All the talk of a national ID card is so much drivel.
We already have one!
It is probably in your wallet, or purse, even as you read this. It is your Social Security card with that big number emblazoned across it. That allows anyone with access to that number to learn anything the wish to know about you.
I still oppose allowing anyone to have my number until it becomes an embarrassment for my family. Some of us old "mossbacks" can remember when there was a notice at the bottom of our Social Security cards which said it was illegal to use the card for identification. Yep, for you young, wet-behind-the-ears chaps, it was there. Right up until 1971. Then it was removed. Seems that someone forgot to create any legislation to back up what turned out to be a “suggestion, only”.
So, these days, your bank has your card number, your doctor, your hospital, your insurance company, heck ,darn near every time you do any business, of any consequence, you are asked for your Social Security number. When you hand the person requesting that card your number, you are placing your entire life in that persons hands.
I would like to see national legislation to make it illegal to use the Social Security Card as a National ID card. I know. I’m dreaming. It’s not going to happen. You see, the Congress really wants us to have a National ID Card. But, they know they cannot get that law through the Congress. So, they fall back to plan “B”… use the existing National ID Card, the Social Security Card.
Look, our privacy is gone. The days of “Big Brother” Government has taken over our lives. How many times a day is your photograph taken without your permission, without your knowledge? At the ATM machine, at the Super store, at the drugstore, at the highway intersection, all for, as the signs say "Your Protection”. Well, please stop protecting me! I’ll do that myself!
The cradle to the grave “Nanny Government” is a reality in America today.
Do you have a cell phone? Everywhere you go, that cell phone is emitting a radio signal, which can easily locate your position at any given time. You car, or truck, may very well have a black box under the seat recording the last 30 minutes of your activities as you drive your vehicle. Information from those black boxes have already been used in court to convict drivers of traffic violations.
Many pet owners are now having computer chips placed under their pet's skin to identify them. I’m not going there, but you know where natural progression takes that step.
The Southern States of the US fought a war just be “left alone” and lost. I think we are just beginning to realize how badly we lost!
Fact is – this is “just gonna happen”. I grew up in a church where the pastor preached on end times stuff, mark of the beast and all that. I always thought, “heck that is easy, just don’t take it”. Well a lot has changed. Nobody is going to come around in one day and say “hey take this chip” but the process is occurring incrementally.
ReplyDeleteI am in the military and already carry an ID card with a chip that contains all sorts of information, medical, security and otherwise. I use this card everyday to do my job, log into the computer, get on post etc. I have no choice. The rest of society will soon see this.
It is sad but through small steps the government has taken us very far down a road none of us would go willingly or knowingly.
i thought you rightwing nutjobs opposed social security? why would you want to carry around a social security card?
ReplyDeleteif we need a national ID, it should be a passport. it's pathetic how few people have a passport in this country.
i thought you rightwing nutjobs opposed social security? why would you want to carry around a social security card?
ReplyDeleteif we need a national ID, it should be a passport. it's pathetic how few people have a passport in this country.
Part of being an American is being able to move unrestricted and un monitored within our borders. This is a funamental freedom along with speech, religion, protections from illegal search and seizures, the right to own fire arms that must not, but are so easily infringed apon by spreading fear throughout the masses. We gave it up, and now it is gone. America is fastly becoming a right wing imperialstic nation, far worse than a socialist eutopia, we are no longer a "center" driven nation ruled by common sense we are lead by the whims of the fringe and our constitution is the casualty. Shoot Habious corpus just got thrown out and it has been around since before the Magna Charter.
Ole friend, a bit of history: Lincoln tossed out the right of Habeas Corpus(sp?) back in the 1860's. He locked up newspaper editors and publishers simply because he didn't like what they printed. Hell, he sent US troops to take into custody, and lock up, a good portion of the Maryland state legislature on the day they were to meet to vote on secession! He knew they would have voted to leave the US and join the Confederacy.
ReplyDeleteMy point is... this is nothing new.
The stress you are feeling now, over the current day attracks on our freedoms, are nothing compared to what US citizens felt under Lincoln. You begin to see why my ancestors said "to hell with it" and seceded!
And yet... Lincoln is held up as a hero for this nation to worship. Do you begin to see what I mean when I refer to "revisionist history"???
Lordy, I wish there was a way to educate the citizens of the US to their REAL history!
I don't understand, is that just a Republican thing (Lincoln to Bush)? If so, why do you support this clown? Why would you support his party and be so partisian about it? To stand for freedom now, is to come under attack from extremists as being soft on terror, I say, "BUNK!" (trying not to swear). I say it is being brave in the face of those that would kill us. Why should I limit myself and my rights because of them? Why should I give power to government, any government, ran by anyone? Governments exist to govern and when they become more powerfull than the governed tyrany exists. It is like the created becoming more powerfull than the creator, it should not be allowed to happen and yet it does, and anymore it happens while attacking those that want to protect freedom. It (government's growth) has gone on too long and too far to be put into check, face it, we can't march on Washington, and our choices for leaders (from the left or right) are from a select few that their global agendas are all the same, corpoartions before people, and they use religion as a deviding factor instead of a unifying one. God Bless you Longstreet, but Lincoln was never one of my heroes, my heroes from this contries history would be men like Madison, Jefferson, Franklin, Lee yes Robert E. Lee, If the south would have won it's freedom slavery would have been abolished but freedom wouldn't have.
ReplyDeleteIf it was all on one party's side we could handle that. But it's spread across the entire political spectrum. I'm not much on conspiracy theories but, damn, there sure seems to be an "unseen" hand at work behind the scenes in our government.