This time it’s not mere cartoons they are raging about. This time it is remarks made by Pope Benedict (the XVI) in which he quotes Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus. The remarks, by the emperor, are thought to have been delivered in a dialogue between the emperor and a learned Persian sometime between 1394 and 1402.
You can find the prepared text from which the Pope spoke as he addressed an audience at University of Regensburg on September 12th, 2006 at “Catholic World News” here:
We recommend you read the entire text of the Pope’s address.
Now, as a protestant, I’m not swayed by what the Pope says, one way or another, on anything. That being said, he is an important figure, on the world stage, and commands the respect of much of the world’s Christian community.
We Americans, known as “The Great Satan”, by much of the Islamic community, have become so used to the guarantee of Freedom of Speech given us, as a right, by our nation’s constitution, that we find it astounding that a people, any people, can be so thin skinned as to not be able to withstand a little criticism. The world's Christian community would have folded, a couple of centuries ago, had we reacted to criticism in like manner. Instead, we grew strong, and vibrant, as a result.
If one studies a bit of the history of the Christian church, one will quickly conclude that the persecution of the Christian Church, in it’s early days, did more to ensure the survival of the Christian faith, and the spread of the Christian faith, than, quite possibly, anything else in the church’s history… since the Resurrection. And yet, another of the world’s major religions cannot withstand a reference to a critical quote made by a dead emperor from the 14th century!
Oh, and one more thing… as you view the pictures of the raging Islamic(s) on the pages of your newspapers, and on your TV screens, and the Internet, please know that THESE are the people on the verge of creating an atomic bomb. Ask yourselves… do these people look stable enough, to you, to allow them to get their hands on an Atomic bomb???
OK, OK, I know Pakistan has the bomb… and that worries me deeply. Any sane person has to know that Mussharif will eventual succumb to an assassin, or will leave office, in Pakistan, in some fashion. When that happens, there is a very good chance that Pakistan’s bomb will fall into the hands of Islamic terrorists. Or, that Iran will eventually create The Bomb upon which they are feverishly working. In either event, the world will face the horrors of the Islamic Bomb!
I have no doubt that the US Government has contingency plans for neutralizing Pakistan, when that day comes, and, as an American, I am assured, by my President, that Iran will not be allowed to complete the creation of their bomb. Granted, that may be grasping at straws, on my part, but I am convinced that Iran will be hit, and hit hard, within a few months, by the combined militaries of the Western Powers.
In the meantime, we hope the Pope doesn’t fold to Islamic pressure and… the “appeasers” within the Catholic Church, and the Vatican itself, and apologize for doing nothing wrong. Now is not the time to show weakness, of any kind, in the face of a Third World War waged by those practitioners of the Religion of Peace.
For once I agree with you. The remark that has incensed the islamicists (as it has been reported) is "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." Now I think the pope's intent is clear, he holds up a mirror to those whose only response is to strike at it violently. In diong this the nature of islam is made clear, violence is not the last resort of these adherents to the so clled 'religion of peace' it is the first and only resort and until it is made clear that it will not be stood for they will be forever stuck in the dark ages and we will have to put up with them.
ReplyDeleteWell said, Mandrill/Keith. And I must say, it is refreshing, indeed, to be agreed with... once in a while!
Oh, Mandrill, I meant to say this earlier... Thanks for the listing on your site. It's very gracious of you.
ReplyDeleteAmong the things I don't understand about the Muslim religion, and it goes beyong the militant sects, and does appear to be evil is, it is a sin to look at a woman, sex, one of the greatest pleasures given from God is practically forbid hear on earth because it is so "evil", yet when you die you get 70 virgins and have orgies in the presence of God? I Don't quite understand that at all..... I know it's off topic but I just figured I'd see if someone understands the thinking behind it, since this was about the muslim religion.
ReplyDeleteall of you are insane