The Mainstream Media is assuring US citizens the election in November will give the government of the United States back it's "rightful owners"... the Democratic Party!I have tell you, they may be correct this time.
Conservatives have their hackles up and the Republican Party is the object of their ire!
There is strong talk of punishing the GOP for turning it's back on Conservatives in the party... the people who got them into the positions of power they enjoy today. Yes, Dear Reader, GOP Conservatives are on the verge of sending as strong a message as is possible in an election year: "You let us down... now we're letting you down!" How, you may ask? By simply staying home on Election Day.
Conservatives have tried every other means, at their disposal, to get the attention of the party Big Wigs... and it didn't work. The "Blue Bloods" and the "Country Club Set", holding the reins of power, simply shunned the party faithful and took the GOP to a big government, liberal plateau, to which the conservatives are vehemently opposed.
To make matters even worse, they are bent upon forcing the party to accept another moderate-to-liberal candidate for President, John McCain. McCain is totally unacceptable to conservatives in the GOP.
Drastic? You bet it is! But there comes a time when an honorable man will be pushed no more. GOP conservatives have reached that point.
Now, we fully realize that turning the government, at least the House of Representatives, over to the Socialist Democrats will mean an almost certain impeachment of the President, and the risk of stepped up terrorist attacks here, within the United States (as well as abroad), a military which will be on the verge of mutiny, increased taxes, a rise in unemployment as a result of an increase in the federally mandated minimum wage, further relaxing of immigration laws allowing an even greater influx of illegal aliens across the southern border, enlargement of the welfare state, a drop in the quality of health care as a result of a national health care system, more activist federal judges to legislate from the bench, a rise in taxes, stronger environmental laws which will drive business from the US and force them to relocate overseas causing an even greater spike in unemployment, and worse, the transformation of the US from a Democratic Republic to a Socialist State. Oh, did I mention... a rise in taxes?
A gloomy outlook, what? You'd better believe it.
So, how, you may ask, can conservatives live with themselves while submitting the country, they proclaim to love, to all the dangers enumerated above?
It's called "Tough Love".
Two things must be made to happen: First the GOP must understand that it cannot shun its conservative base and expect to stay in power. Secondly, the People of the United States must be brought to a clear realization that the Democrat Party is no longer the Democrat Party of FDR, Truman, and Kennedy. It is now the Socialist Party of Castro, Hugo Chavez, and even Uncle Joe Stalin. It is no longer the party, which fought the Second World War. It is now a pacifist party. It is now a Marxist, Socialist, Party!
The Mainstream Media, which is the electronic voice of that great Socialist machine, has drowned out the "voices of reason" in favor of pipe dreams based upon the dreams of the followers of Karl Marx.
Freedom stands upon four boxes: the soapbox, the ballot box, the jury box, and the cartridge box. As each of the boxes is compromised, and lost to the Socialists, the level of danger to freedom in the US climbs even higher.
Our Socialist friends have complained and driven down the confidence of the American people in their government to the point that the electorate ks willing to invest the power of leading this country on their Socialist shoulders. All the while they have been complaining, they have yet to put forth any plans of their own to correct all the things about the GOP government they complain about. Why do you suppose that is? Simple, the Socialist Democrats know that if the American electorate actually heard the plans they have for America, they would never win another election in the US.
These are critical times. We have an enemy, which has infiltrated our borders and now lives among us... ready to wreak havoc upon the innocent civilian population of the US. They wait only for the laws to be relaxed as the Socialist Democrats have promised to do.
We have a military demoralized because they are not being allowed to win a war in which they are fighting and dying. The Socialist Democrats have vowed to demoralize the US military even further by forcing them to retreat in the face of the enemy.
Dark, dark, days are ahead for the once greatest nation in the history of this planet. But that is the hallmark of Socialism… darkness, stagnation, depression, demoralization, and a paranoia that eats away at the soul.
So, there you have it. As clearly as I am able, I have laid put what is in America's future upon the return of the Socialist Democrats to power. Much of the bad news you will never hear. As they control the press, the bad news will be buried and suppressed.
As the election draws nigh, it behooves each of us to search deeply in his, and her, soul for guidance before stepping into the election booth. It sounds trite, but the truth is that the future of America, the future safety of your family rides on your ballot.
Well sir,
ReplyDeleteThere may be a few good Democrats running, you could back on in the primary. (I won't Vote for Clinton, she's too far to the right on too many issues). We have agendas from securing the borders (Bush wants to illiminate them betwen us and Mexico and Canada). To port security, to tightening the belt of government spending. "Ear-mark" reform was their idea, now near elections, the G.O.P. jumps on that bandwagon, and line item veto, which I fear may only be misused, cut Dem's ear-marks, leave G.O.P.'s for votes on future legislation. The Dems. have a plan to secure Iraq while getting us out. They have a plan to trim back the patriot act so it doesn't interfere with the Constitution, and save $$$$ at the same time. Your guys (Bush and co.) screwed up everything from Iraq, 911 sickness, shoot they made the head of the E.P.A. lie about toxin levels in the air on 9/13 in New York, she resigned. The screwed up Katrina, something they saw coming for days, how can they be prepared at a moments notice should, God forbid something unseen happen. They cooked the intelligence to go to Iraq. I think you Consrvatives, at least I know the MSM turns a blind eye to all of it. If you get away from the dark side (G.O.P.) you will see the light. Are Dems. perfect, no but they are better than the "same old, same old" I get tons of grass roots questionares from them, you could too, they are hurting and will listen to reason. And if they don't, vote 'em out in 4 years, sooner or later they will all have to wake up, but not voting is horrible.
Frank, the Dems SAY they have all these plans to fix this, that, and the other, but they won't tell us what they are. They are asking America to buy a "pig in a poke"! We can draw only two conclusions from their behavior, either, they have NO PLANS, or the plans are such that America will not support them and therefore America will not support the Democrats.
ReplyDeleteLean on your Dem friends and ya'll push the DNC to make public those "PLANS" Please!
The liberals are mainly concerned with regaining power. They will do anything--even betray their own country--to do that.
ReplyDeleteOnce they get the power, they will come up with a plan.
Andrew, that is an insult, I have watched Bush betray this nation in almost every form imaginable and you guys just don't seem to get it, or you are blinded by political lines, either way you don't appear to be too bright.....
ReplyDelete"John McCain. McCain is totally unacceptable to conservatives in the GOP."
ReplyDeleteYou sure got that right! And I think he knows it now, and throwing a wrench into the works as his presidential dreams fade. He's too old and far too liberal, and now he's got Warner joining him to give terrorists' rights they don't deserve.