I am embarrassed that the United Nations is in New York, in the United States.
I am embarrassed that the President of the US spoke to the UN this week.
I am embarrassed that the Congress of the US continues to pay dues to the UN.
I am embarrassed that that the United States is a member of the United Nations.
I am embarrassed that the tin-pot dictators of the world have a rallying point… and it is in this country. Oh, I know the United Nations holds a deed to the land upon which it’s headquarters building, in New York, stands. But if there was a way to fence it off from the remainder of the US, I’d be all for it.
When, oh, when, will we have a leader, and a Congress, who will speak out against that den of thieves, and dictators, and socialists, and communists, and megalomaniacs who gather under the cover of a peaceful union of countries to fomat discord across the world? It is self evident it is not peace they want! They want world domination and they want to get fat off UN money, much of which comes from the coffers of the US taxpayers!
How can Americans convince the United Nations that it is “persona non grata”, in this country, and convince it to move it’s headquarters somewhere, anywhere, else.
I have had my fill of that bunch of cowards, thieves, perverts, and slim of the earth polluting our air with their presence on these shores.
The only thing, worthwhile, Hugo Chavez said this week, at the UN, was that the UN ought to move! He was spot on with that. It ought to move… and as quickly as possible.
That place must be a stench in the nostrils of God! It is a hellhole on earth! Those were the sulfur fumes Chavez smelled, this week, as he spoke to that room full of bandits, brigands, and thieves.
When I was a child my parents taught me to be careful whom I befriended. They continually told me “you are known by the company you keep”. If ever a truer phrase was spoken, I am not aware of it. And just look who the US is hanging out with at the UN.
Look, we don’t need the UN. The UN needs us!
If the US finds it needs an organization of like-minded states then it should form one. If not, then we are extremely capable of going it alone.
I have predicted, for some time, that at a point, in the not too distant future, US troops will be in combat against UN troops. You can count on it!
The UN is not our friend! The UN is, in fact, the enemy of the United States. The sooner we disassociate ourselves from them, and convince them to move their headquarters out of the US, then the better I’ll feel... as will a few million other American citizens!
They pollute everything they touch. Let’s be done with them as quickly as possible.
Well...I agree with you on one thing. I was also embarassed when that lying monkey who calls himself our president spoke at the U.N.