Thursday, June 22, 2006

Europe's Huge Inferiority Complex!

I was listening to brief outtakes of one of the press conferences in Austria, earlier, and it occurred to me, that Europe has become a “ward” of the United States!

Unable to protect herself, unable to even handle domestic outbreaks of violence… such as that in the Balkans… Europe is at the mercy of any rogue nation, which might wish to exploit them, or by any other means, do them harm.

How did this happen?

It was the direct result of World Wars One and Two, plus, their homegrown brands of socialism and Marxism. Add to that, the fact that the United States, “Uncle Sucker”, is always at their “beck and call”.

Let me give you an even easier example to explain my reasoning: We hire men, and women, to be our police officers. We bestow upon these people the powers to arrest and detain, and even kill, if necessary, to protect us. Then, we barely pay them enough to keep them off the welfare rolls, and, we show them several degrees of disrespect.

Why? Well, I’m no shrink, but it seems to me we do it for the same reason we whistle when walking past a graveyard at night. It’s to convince ourselves that we’re not afraid… that we are capable of fending for ourselves. It gives us a sense of superiority. You see we KNOW we need the police officers, yet… if we admit that to ourselves, somehow, our self esteem slips, and, as our liberal friends keep telling us, self esteem is extremely important for the health and well being of a human being. Plainly put… it makes us feel that we are “better” than the cops!

Now… apply that to Europe and you have the answer for their sneering, and jeering, and disrespectful attitude toward America.

The United States has become the “World’s Policeman” by default. Who else is there? Nobody! I… mean… NOBODY!

Now, I have to tell you, the diplomats may be trying to smooth things ove, between the citizens of the US and the citizens of European nations, but the plain truth is… Americans are fed-up with their attitude toward America. If put to a vote, Americans would vote to remove all our military forces from Europe and set Europe loose to sink, or swim, or to drift right back into trouble, fighting among themselves… as they have always done.

If there were a way to isolate the US from Europe, the American citizens would do it… today. Frankly, we are sick to death of Europe’s condescending attitude, and self-delusional feeling of superiority, and their never-ending quest to “get America”. Americans have had it, up to the gills, and we feel it is a “stinking way” for Europe to act towards us. Far too much American blood has been spilled to insure Europe’s freedom. But, I have to tell you, if called upon today to do it all again, the large majority of Americans would refuse.

I mean, just because we saved Europe’s “family jewels” on several occasions and, stand ready, even today, to do it again, does not justify their obvious feeling that America is something to be scraped off the bottom of their shoes.

Europe’s attitude is demonstrable of their inferiority complex.

If, for example, Europe was strapped for cash, but had managed to scrape together enough money to paint half of a (pretend) picket fence, all the way around Europe, they would paint the outside of the fence.

My ancestors came to America, from Europe, in the 1700’s. So did most of the founding families of America. But, as I look back on it now, It would seem that the Europeans with steel in their spines, those motivated to make something of themselves and become self sufficient, ALL left Europe and came to the US. That would explain the vast shortage of those qualities in Europe today.

Winning “hearts and minds” in Europe involves groveling… and Americans have no interest in it.

So… how do we heal this “sore spot” between Europe and the United States? Well, a huge, oft repeated “THANK YOU” from Europe would be a start.

But… I’m not holding my breath!


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