Monday, July 25, 2005

Democrats Help Judge Roberts Confirmation

The more the Democrats rage against, and about, Judge John Roberts the more I am drawn to him.

If you are a frequent reader of this blog, then you know I have had reservations about Judge Roberts from the “git-go” for two reasons. I absolutely do not want another David Souter on the Court, and I want a nominee the Democrats hate!

My reasoning is, if the Democrats hate him, then he must be doing the right things, therefore he is acceptable to me. More and more the Democrats are stoking my interest in him.

There are rumors, floating about the ‘Net, that Roberts was to have been the Administration’s choice to replace Chief Justice Rehnquist upon his retirement. However, as the good Chief Justice refuses to leave the bench in any other fashion than “toes-up”, that plan could no longer get airborne. So, on to plan “B”.

We tend to forget in all the “Sound and Fury”, over Roberts, that Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez is STILL waiting in the wings. I say STILL WAITING, because it is evident that he would have been the choice to fill Justice O’Connor’s spot had Rehnquist retired and Roberts slid into that slot. So, Gonzalez will have to wait another few months.

The grapevine has it that Republicans have burned the President’s ear with protestations over the acceptability of Gonzalez on the court … at all! Frankly, as one lonely voice carrying in the wilderness, neither do I. Gonzalez simply is not conservative enough. The White House was told conservatives would make the GOP pay, in the 2006 elections, if Gonzalez was appointed. I might add, as a conservative, that promise holds true for the 2008 elections, as well. RNC…take notice!

So where are we? Who knows? The Democrats are furiously digging for something, anything, to smear Roberts name in the upcoming hearings, probably in September. Over the past few days they have been going after his wife. The problem is, those of us on the right, found ourselves more drawn to Robert’s wife, as the nominee, than to Roberts himself! She’s a gutsy, activist for conservative causes. More power to her!

In the meantime, I will continue to watch, and listen, as the Democrats continue to make fools of themselves before America. And we will take great care not to get between Senator Chuck Shumer, of New York, and a TV camera!

As a right-wing Conservative, I am not nearly as happy with Judge Roberts as I would have been with Judge Edith Jones. But, we will continue our campaign to get her appointed to the Court to fill the next vacancy.

It’s a start, that’s all.


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