So now the ACLU has sued the state of North Carolina over using a Bible as the sole source of the Holy Scriptures.
You can immediately see the problem with that… if you are a Christian, that is. The problem, from the standpoint of a Christian, is simply this… the Bible IS the sole source of the Holy Scriptures! The acceptance of any other collection of inspirational verses, as Holy Scripture, is a sin for those of the Christian faith.
If a Moslem, or a Hindu, for instance, wishes to NOT swear on a Bible, here in North Carolina, … he or she can simple “affirm” they will testify to the truth. That is acceptable in this state. The same option is offered for those chosen for jury duty. Many Christians feel that “swearing on the Bible” is a sin. For those the State offers the “affirmation”.
There is something very wrong about this lawsuit. It is blatantly anti-Christian.
I simply do not believe this lawsuit by the ACLU, against North Carolina, is about the right to swear on your chosen “Holy Scriptures”. No, it has become clear to those of the Christian faith, in the United States, over the past few years, that the ACLU is bent on destroying any, and all, vestiges of the Christian faith in America.
Why does the ACLU hate us so much? Why do they see us as a threat so potent that they feel they must destroy us? Because, the Christian religion IS a threat to the ACLU. Christians are anti-Socialist and anti- Communist. Christians are the natural enemy of the ACLU. And they know it. They have been coming after us since their founding in 1920. Many of the founders of the ACLU were members of, or had association with, the Communist Party of the USA.
It would seem their goals have changed little since their founding. They still never miss a chance to strike out at Christian activity anywhere in the US. It leads one to believe their purpose is to eradicate the Christian religion in the USA. They have made a grand start.
Here is what the noted Communist Joseph Stalin said: “America, is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
Today, as in the past, we see the ACLU attacking America’s Patriotism, America’s Morality and America’s Spiritual Life. A coincidence? It would be a stretch to convince one’s self that it is.
The ACLU does not just dislike Christians… they hate us! As Christians, we are their chief enemy. Yet many professed Christians hold membership in the ACLU. How can this be? Even the Romans had no help from the early Christians in their campaign to destroy Christianity. But the ACLU does have it… in spades! Our “liberal churches” have opened the door for their own destruction and are actively aiding in the campaign against the “Faith of our Fathers”… the Christian faith.
Here in North Carolina they have struck another blow against the Christian. The war to eradicate Christianity, in the US, is as real today as it was during the day of Nero in ancient Rome. Only, the ACLU has replaced the lions in today’s coliseum.
The war rages, between good and evil, as it has since Eden. However, I have read The Book, and, Dear Reader, the Christians win!
I uh must apologize, i forgot my log in but i have posetd here under Hill billy hater and i continue to try to enlighten th un-enlighten able. The ACLU's argument is this, we can not let any level of government say what is a sole source for "Holy Scriptures" reason being, it is and indivduals belief of what to follow. It is one step toward a state religion. It is wrong. I am a Christian, I do not want the government in my beliefs and as a free person I do not wish my beliefs imposed on anyonelse. For there may come a day when my beliefs as a Christian may not be the majority view and in the event that occurs I do not want someonelse's beliefs pushed on to me! Here is a great example, I am Catholic.... The oldest Christian faith all others came about by protests to Catholisism and are called Perodestant for that reason. My assumption then would be that all other "Christian" beliefs are "Bastardized faiths" and as such can only be false teachings of false prophets since my religion was set forth by Christ himself. And as such the kluxer "Christian Coalition" is a purely political group and needs to loose it's qualification as a tax exempt entity. Pat Robertson is a liar and a fraud (just like our appointed president) And all false forms of Christianity need to be banned as cooky religious nut jobs, cults or even misleadings of the occult. I assure you this I am a consttutionalist, and there is more to the constitution than the 2nd amendment! An infringement on any part of it is wrong. By the way who is a well-regulated militia, and who can activate them? Check history Teddy Roosevelt turned Militias into our National Guard. Our founding fathers wanted rid of religious persecution and religious nut jobs burning witches, decapitating people, burning people at the stake for hericy and we don't want these lunatics, Pat Robertson and his wacko followers running this country.
ReplyDeleteDear Hill billy hater,
ReplyDeleteCatholisisim is not the oldest Christian faith! Christians were being persecuted by the Romans long before Constintine figured out he could talk himself out of a battle he would have most certainly have lost if he became a Christain.
Rossevelt did create the National Guard, but Militia referred to in the Bill of Rights are armed private citizens. Not sworn soldiers hence "the right of the PEOPLE to bear arms"
I agree that our founding fathers wanted to protect us from the religious persection, witch burings
and so forth you indicate. Things that occurred daily during the "Inquistions" of Europe.
As far as Pat Robertson is concerned, he seems to have some strange ideas from time to time but I don't believe he has ever covered up for pedophiles so he can't be that bad.