Now the UN wants to Tax You!
No, I didn’t just make this up. This is an idea, which has been around for sometime. The Un, literally, wants to tax the individuals of member nations to finance their…whatever they do… stuff!
Do you begin to see why I was pushing the confirmation of John Bolton as the Ambassador to the UN? We desperately need somebody with the cajones of a Mr. Bolton to stand in the way of those jerks, at the UN, and read them the riot act. Bolton will do that.
Oh, it gets even worse:
You see, it is unfair for the US to have lower taxes than places like Germany and France, and Belgium, etc. The UN would create an ITO That’s the “International Tax Organization”.
Next the UN is considering the power to levy it’s own taxes. They are looking at taxing currency exchanges, energy consumption, and… oh yes, the Internet, including even each, and every, e-mail you send! (Just this past week they announced their interest in going after control of the Internet. They do not like the fact that the real backbone of the Internet is in America’s hands.)
Now here is the kicker: The UN is proposing to tax the income of immigrants.
Let me see if I can clarify that: Say an immigrant is here from, oh, say… India. Every dollar that immigrant makes, would be taxed by the UN and the taxes collected from the immigrant sent back to his, or her, country of origin. Just in America alone, that would mean the loss of hundreds of billions of dollars from the cash flow of the US every year
Do not fool yourself into believing that this can never happen. Maybe not right now…while we have a Republican conservative President in office. But, suppose we had a Democrat “globalist” as President (like Howard Dean, or Hillary Clinton, or even John Kerry). The Dems support the idea of “One World Government”. They support the idea that America should give up her sovereignty to the United Nations and allow itself to be governed by that corrupt bunch of thieves and brigands.
This is a very serious situation brewing in the UN. And we don’t even have an Ambassador there.
Why? Simply because the Democrats, in the Senate, are dragging their feet on the confirmation of Bolton. They do not want to confirm John Bolton… exactly because he would stand against these crazy schemes of the UN.
We urge President Bush to appoint Mr. Bolton, to the UN, as a Recess Appointment, and get him in place, as soon as possible, to begin the fight for America’s continued sovereignty.
The UN is a worldwide loose cannon and should be shut down, and disbanded, completely. It is at the core of the cancer eating away at the foundation of democracy the world over.
The US pays for 25% of the operating costs of the UN. That means… we are helping support their misdeeds.
I urge the US Congress to shut off the flow of American dollars to the UN and get this country out of that pit of chaos. The sooner, the better!
O.K. JACKASS lets get it right this time..... Republicans and moderate democrats support free trade blocks (FTAA) and (WTO) all in the name of big business...... These so called "Americans" sign away our sovernty as a nation. check out this site please. http://federalobserver.com/
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thay are from libratarians mostly.
Bush and these guys are groomed for their positions we are all loosing freedoms under these people, and as reported a little faster under republicans. This north-south conservative-liberal crap is what is dividing us and they are all profiting from it and we are loosing! I am liberal i expect the government to have certain responsabilities (Medical care, Education, protecting the freedoms of the people over corporate profits) If we the people do not come together and really stop the name calling, I even do alot of it at times and we as a people need to wake up! This is not a liberal-conservative issue this is an American issue. I am further left than any of the Clintons or Deans... I am not a globalist, I am not a communist and I truly don't believe that conservatives are facists but these extreme right-wing people we get as our leaders are. I support our constitution our freedoms and any individual's freedom outways that of a corporation. What is wrong of expecting certain things from multi-national companies for their employees here in the U.S.? What is wrong with limiting imports so we have a manufacturing base here? What is wrong with buying groceries produced by American farmers? What is wrong with "Country of origin" labels on food? Read what CAFTA is all about...... See what is really behind the open border policies of Dubya.