Still think we can negotiate with the terrorists. Still think we need to try to understand them, huh?
Great Britain just got their answer. Looks very much like the one we got back on 9/11.
What’s to understand? They are murderers, cowards, and they’re lower than pond scum. They’re a cancer on the earth.
Now, we can all sit around in a circle, join hands, and sing “cum baya”, ‘til the cows come home, and those crazy lunatics will continue blowing us up and killing us.
While the “limp wristed liberals” in the US Congress, and the Parliament of Great Britain, in the UN, in NATO, and in the European Union, wring their hands in dismay, moan, and groan: “woe is me”… somebody needs to be killing those bastards as fast as they can!
How much more killing of the world’s innocent will it take? Good Lord, people, if we’re to die, let us die like men, on our feet, facing our enemy, and struggling with them… with bare fists if necessary! Men die fighting, face-to-face, with their enemy. Men do not die with their heads bowed, and their necks bared, awaiting the sword!
This is a life and death struggle. It will not end in our lifetimes. So we have a choice. We can refuse to see it for what it is (which is what the Left… all over the world… is doing!) or we can face up to it and give all-out battle in an attempt to destroy it. We cannot do as we are doing now. These puny, half-hearted attempts at cleaning out pockets of enemy combatants, here and there, around the globe, are only delaying the inevitable… our own defeat… our own enslavement!
To our President, to our Congressman, to our ministers of Parliament, I say, get off your behinds and engage the enemy. Fight for the lives of your people! If the free world is to go down, then for God’s sake, let us go down swinging!
We’re acting like a bunch of sissy schoolgirls. We have durned near as many lawyers in the combat zone as we do combat soldiers! Fighting a "politically correct war" will get us only defeat, while the body count of innocent people, all over the world, continues to pile up. This is simply unforgivable!
I am tired of the whining, and the moaning, and groaning, coming from the Congress... in my own country. Almost 50% of the Congressmen, and Senators, want nothing more than failure for the US in its war against terrorism. I am embarrassed to say that it certainly seems they want only power for themselves, and their party, (the party out of power). They don’t give a “rats rear end” what happens to the country, just as long as they can re-gain power. My God, talk about weapons of mass destruction, THEY are the weapons of mass destruction! While they scheme, and plan, to retake the US government, people are getting blown to bits by the dozens, the hundreds and yes, even the thousands!
This pathetic attempt at placating an enemy, sworn to wipe us off the face of the earth, has got to stop. We need a concentrated, all out, effort to rid the earth of “those people”! Total war! Take down country after country ‘til there is no place left for them to hide. Then eradicate them.
We need to see the photos of the Twin Towers, in New York, collapsing, and the London Subways smoking, and the crumpled up metal that used to be a Double Decker Bus, and the Spanish train… blown to bits, every time we turn on a TV. Every US Newspaper should have a permanent photo of the Twin Towers burning, on the front page, as constant reminders of what this fight is about!
Dear Reader, I will either live, or I will die, but, I refuse to live as a slave to some religious fundamentalist stuck in the 13th century! No way!
If we have to land troops on the Mediterranean beaches of Syria and march eastward to the borders of China, then so be it. You cut a cancer out! “Those People” are a cancer on the earth. Let’s cut them out! Now!
Dear Reader, I will either live, or I will die, but, I refuse to live as a slave to some religious fundamentalist stuck in the 13th century! No way!
ReplyDeleteThen what in the hell do you support Bush for?!