I just read of the proposed lawsuit against the SCV, in Alabama, for placing a huge Confederate Battle Flag on a flagpole which elevates the flag above the tops of the surrounding trees so it can be clearly seen by northbound or southbound traffic on the nearby interstate highway.
That flagpole is on private property. Property owned by the SCV. The display of the flag itself is speech, protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution.
I have about had my fill of those who cannot get “their fill” of trashing the South and those who continue to give life to the lies and distortions they spew about the South.
Rest assured, there at thousands more, just like me, quite possibly MILLIIONS more, who are just as perturbed by the actions of the so-called activists who are, by and large, ignorant of the history of the US and, in particular, the South. They have bought into the lies of revisionist history and are blinded by their own hatred and bigotry toward those of Southern birth and Southern sympathies.
It would be beneficial for them to understand that at some point the South will have had enough and the consequences can be biblical in their devastating proportions.
It has happened before. One has only to harken back to April of 1861 to remember what the consequences were as a result of the same sort of repression inflicted on the South then.
For those of you educated in public (Government) schools that date may have no meaning for you. In all likelihood, if you were taught anything of the so-called Civil War, you were taught the glorious North fought bravely to put down the “revolution” by the “slave-holding terrorists” of the South. Well, I’m here to tell you that is utter B.S.!
Look, there is a distinct difference between “my truth”, and “your truth” and “THE TRUTH”. “Ye shall know THE TRUTH, and THE TRUTH shall make you FREE.” For those of you not from the “God fearing South”, that is a quote from the Bible, which is still sacrosanct in the South.
The South fought a war for Independence from the US. We lost.
For 140 years we have been rebuilding our beloved South. Not an easy task with US troops garrisoned thru out the South. Much as the Romans did to their conquered peoples, the US placed military installation after military installation, garrisoned with US troops, in nearly every Southern state to insure the South would remain under it’s thumb. We Southerners were considered too volatile to be left to our own devices. To bring home their point several more years of so-called “Reconstruction” followed which, in many cases, caused more damage to the South, and her people, than the actual shooting war.
We Southerners have had to suffer the indignity of being a “conquered people” and the embarrassment of living in an “occupied country” for 140 years. We have fought daily battles to maintain our identity and we doggedly refuse to go away. We are a continuous “thorn in the flesh” of the arrogant purveyors of the lies of Political Correctness about our history and our ancestors.
We have had enough… and we are nearing an historical point at which we will begin to fight back. Our barely harnessed anger is seething just below the surface.
Many of us are ready to make a stand… “this far and no farther”.
As a proud member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans I call upon our leadership to take whatever legal steps may be necessary to support the “Sons” in Alabama and throughout the nation. It is time to fight back.
I had the great good fortune to be able to attend the “Constitutional Convention” in Concord, North Carolina, in April of this year. I went because I am tired of being pushed and humiliated by the empty-headed hate mongers who continually trash the South. I had hoped to see a resurrected organization, geared up and ready to fight, come out of that Convention. Granted it has only been three months, or so, but I have yet to sense the ”fire in the belly” necessary to take the fight to the enemy.
It is time to meet our enemies, on our terms, at places of our choosing, and turn back this flood.
Each year, I stand in graveyard after graveyard, before crowds of varying sizes, and sing the praises of our Confederate Ancestors who saw their duty and did it, even at the cost of their lives. Often, unbidden tears moisten my eyes as I remember the sacrifices and the terrible costs the men lying beneath me made and paid. The soft murmur of the Southern breeze, in the uppermost boughs of the inevitable Southern pines encircling the lonely rows of gravestones, adds melancholy to the ceremony. Then, I leave the cemetery unfulfilled. There is something missing. I think often of what those men, I just stood over, and lauded, would think if they could rise from their resting places and see what we have done, or not done, to further the cause for which they fought. I can only conclude they would be disappointed in us, their heirs. And it hurts.
It is time, gentlemen, it is time, for Southerners to do honor to the Confederate blood flowing in our veins and say: “no more!” Here is where it ends! We will right the wrongs done to the South.
When we do that, then I can leave those cemeteries with my head held high in the knowledge that we have not let those heroes of the Southland down… that we have been true to our heritage. Then, and only then, we will be Southerners in the true sense of the word… and not in name only.
Let us vow, to not allow another anti-Southern incident to go unchallenged.
As the Israelis say: “Never again!”
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