OK, so the war in Iraq is lost. The US has lost again and will come home with our collective tails between our legs. Our losses have been unacceptable, etc., etc.
If you read, and listen, and view, the American Mainstream Media you will believe the statements above. If, however, you talk to service men, and women, who have been on the front lines in Iraq, you get a different story.
Why do you suppose that is?
The American media is anti-war, anti-military, and to put it bluntly, they sometimes seem anti-American! The Mainstream media, in the US, is largely controlled by the political Left and, as such, is bound to play down any successes the US has in the theatre of war... no matter the reasons for that war.
Much, if not most, of the media have never worn the uniform of any of America’s military branches. They haven’t the foggiest idea what war is all about, and certainly not how to wage a war. But, they are experts at telling the world what is wrong with America’s war effort and how badly America is losing and what a “quagmire” the US military has gotten itself into while they would not know a “military quagmire” if it bit them on the butt! Besides, a quagmire to them is defined by the US Military’s inability to invade, conquer, and withdraw in three weeks, tops!
Now, don’t misunderstand. The US is quite capable of beginning, and winning, a war in three weeks. However, we would have to tap our reserves of those dread “weapons of mass destruction” in order to do it, and frankly that gets a little messy. Plus, the MSM would have apoplexy if we even used a simple little battlefield nuke!
Their constant carping and complaining has begun to affect the morale of the troops. They have stepped over that invisible barrier between reporting factual news and have come very close to giving aid and comfort to the enemy. We used to call that sedition.
Freedom of the press is a privilege, a constitutional right, in America. But with that freedom comes responsibility. It is quite clear the MSM has no concept of their responsibility to America. It is enough that America has granted them the “right” of “freedom of the press”. They willingly use that right, irresponsibly, and assume the predictability of a loose cannon.
It is very difficult to believe the MSM is not deliberately misreporting the facts on the ground in Iraq.
I have spoken to servicemen, just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq, and they tell me they have access to US network and cable news in Iraq. They told me they couldn’t believe the reports they saw on the television news. One soldier said to me, it was as if they (American troops) were fighting one war and the press was reporting on another war… somewhere, other than in Iraq.
Abuses such as these are going to cost the MSM in the long run. Unfortunately, it can only lead to a loss of the freedom they say they value so much, but abuse so willingly. Sooner, or later, the country will tire of their continuous efforts at denigrating this wonderful country and their first amendment rights will, sadly, be curtailed.
It is a shame to see a great institution collapse inwards, upon itself, as the MSM is doing. But, there will be a reckoning, and not that far in the future.
There are many more sources of news available to the public now than ever before in history. No longer are consumers of news tied to a newspaper, or a certain TV network, or a cable network. With a click of the “mouse” the world’s news media is at your disposal. Many, like myself, are availing themselves of it.We get our news, often unfiltered through the lenses of the MSM, and we are better informed for it.
The MSM is about to get their “comeuppance”. The sooner, the better... unfortunately!
the media will always be around. msm is a cute name bloggers have given it. blogs are boring, ego driven drivel, a passing fad. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz