Well, Doctor Frist is done. Finished. His ambition to be President, or even the GOP candidate for President will never be recognized. Senator Frist committed political suicide on the floor of the US Senate.
Senator Frist came out publicly in favor of Government supported stem cell research knowing it is flat-out against the platform of the Republican Party. Therefore, Senator Frist should immediately step down from his position as Majority Leader in the Senate.
Dr. Frist is a fine man and a great doctor, but he is inept as a politician. The last thing we Republicans need in the US Senate Majority Leader’s position is a leader who cannot lead.
This is the third major blunder of Frist’s reign as Majority Leader. He was “rolled” by the Democrats on the judicial filibuster deal. It appears he was completely blind-sided by the Republicans who joined the Democrats to form what has come to be called the “Gang of 14”.
The second major blunder of Frist’s leadership was the failure to get an up or down vote on John Bolton as Ambassador to the United Nations. The President will be forced to make a recess appointment of Bolton in a few days as a result.
There is no excuse for his error in judgment and his lack of attention to the movements of his own troops, the Republican Senators.
Senator Frist’s term in the Senate is up in 2006. Since his plans to run for President are now shredded, maybe he will simply go back to Tennessee and practice medicine. He has proven he cannot practice politics.
In the meantime, whom do we have to fill the position of Majority Leader? We need to make this change, ASAP, before the Roberts Hearings begin.
The doctor is OUT!
Sounds like he is following popular opinion. I wonder what the polls say about registered republicans view on the issue.