Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Miers Must Not Be Confirmed!

(Since writing this post, earlier today, I have e-mailed all ten GOP members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and asked them to vote NO on sending Ms. Miers' name on to the full Senate for a confirmation vote.)

Well, it’s another day… and I see no reason to change my assessment of Ms. Miers for the Supreme Court.

I still think her name should be withdrawn immediately and a new nominee… this time from the Conservative Right… be chosen, instead.

I don’t see that happening, though. I think we’ll have to defeat her either in the Judiciary Committee, or the full Senate. But, here’s the rub… I believe the Democrats have enough votes combined with the votes of the RINOS on both the Committee and in the full Senate to get her confirmed over the protestations of the conservative Republicans!

I began writing my Senators yesterday and I will continue to do that today. I urge you to do the same. Bombard the White House demanding that the President withdraw the Miers’ nomination.

I cannot begin to describe the deep disappointment I feel at the choice of Ms Miers. It is all the worse because there is so much talent, so many solid Conservative Jurists to choose from that this choice is staggering to those of us who took the President at his word.

As I said in an earlier post, I am not a practitioner of Blind Faith. This is the first time, for me, that the element of “trust” comes into the equation. Others may have trusted the President before, but, if you knew me, you’d know that I trust no one. I was reared from childhood never to place your trust in man. I cannot do it now.

I cannot shake the feeling that the 2006 election is over and we have lost and the Senate is, once again, in the hands of the Democrats. And what REALLY hurts is that…should this happen, it will be as a result of our own doing!

As we begin to look at 2008, frankly, I see no Presidential candidate from the stable of Republicans I can support…. not a single one. There’s not a true conservative among them.

Harry Truman once said: “If you give the Voters a choice between a fake Republican and a real Republican, they’ll vote for the Real Republican every time!” He was right! He was, of course, speaking to his Democrats about Democrats, but the reasoning was/is sound and, nonetheless, true.

This is a dark time for Conservative Republicans and for the country as a whole. It is one of those times when the “light at the end of the tunnel" turns out to be an onrushing Locomotive.

I urge you to write the White House, write your Senators, and telephone their offices. If we must go down, then let’s go down swinging. At least we will have fought the good fight.

Amen, and Amen!



  1. Another one of Bush's cronies. People have been saying for a while that he values loyalty. He might value it over ability.

    It would be pretty funny if all the Democrats vote for her.

  2. Staying home and not voting is the worst thing you can do. Ever try voting for the opposition? Repeat after me, "Republicans are evil!". If you don't wake up and soon, it doesn't matter if the cronies loose the election they will be sure to get another APPOINTED president, but they can't loose, after watergate, remember a republican wanted to fix the election, they finally got it down pat. in 2004! It is a sad how you don't want to admit how corrupt the far right is. Cronism isn't new, Hitler and all Muslini were all for it. Louisian was the result of the wrong person running FEMA, diverted monies to "Homeland Unsecurity". Wake up the government has grown by leaps and bounds and your freedoms have been sacrificed, the worst part is the freedoms but also just how unaffective this son of a bitch bush has been. Now he wants to take care of this flue thing, we'll all be quarantined in 2008 so we won't be able to vote anyway. He already has plans to use his "SS" troops to enforce quarantines. The great experiment in freedom is over!
