OK, so now the MSM has taken to referring to Hurricane Wilma as a “Super Storm”.
Gee, I wonder why?

Could it be they NEED a "Super Storm"? I mean, to bolster their "Global Warming" claims. You know... the claims they make that "Global Warming" has caused the water temps, in the oceans, to rise… therefore… spawning more, and meaner, hurricanes… that left-wing-loony claim.
You see, they have decided that "Global Warming" is gospel and they have created a template for their news stories on the weather, which support that “Global Warming Gospel”. It doesn’t matter that it is scientifically wrong. No. You see, the Left is smarter than the rest of us... and they know better, about such things, than you, or I. Therefore we are just "nuts" if we don’t buy into their “sky is falling” propaganda.
Wilma is NOT a "Super Storm”. What Wilma is… is a big, mean, hurricane. She will tear up some parts of the Gulf of Mexico coastline and may, as predicted by the National Weather Service, smash Florida with another hammer blow. But the world will not end!

The Left-Wingers are hoping for another New Orleans type disaster to blame on President Bush and the Republicans. It ain’t gonna happen. Florida will not fold like a cheap suit when it gets hit by this storm. On the other hand... Florida is not the Democrat "Welfare Paradise State" that New Orleans was/is. (Yeah, I know New Orleans isn’t a state! Think of it as a "City State"... as in ancient Greece.)
The left has pushed this Global Warming thing to it’s limits. They tell us that the Polar Ice Caps are melting and that is causing the seas’ water levels to rise. Then, they turn around and tell us the water temp of the oceans is on the rise and that is what is causing the increased frequency of hurricanes.
Something is out of sync here. If, indeed, the Polar Ice Caps are melting, wouldn’t the water temps of the oceans actually drop as that melting ice cools the water… much as putting ice cubes into a glass of tea? If the temperature of the oceans drops, then there will be less hurricanes and those that do form will be less intense than their predecessors because, you see, they need the energy from the warm water to exist and grow strong. They feed off the energy of the warm water.
See, it just doesn’t make sense.
A few day ago, one of the major wire services ran a story on the hurricanes this season and they interviewed Dr. William Gray, of the University of Colorado, a world renown climatologist. In the interview, in the wire services article, was a paragraph in which Dr. Gray puts the lie to the Global Warming Theory causing more frequent, and more intense, hurricanes. He said it simply is not so. I happened to read that article on the Internet. The next day the article was reprinted in my local “regional” newspaper and… you guessed it, that paragraph was left out of the article printed in the paper. Do you see the pattern here?
We have got to stop being swayed by a bunch of people who have learned how to make a living off grants, from the U.S. Government, to continue their “study” of Global Warming.
Next time somebody mentions, to you, the earth is getting warmer and the temperature of the sea is warmer than it used to be, be sure and exclaim, that you certainly hope so! Then remind them it should be getting warmer as we are still in the

Finally, a true American voicing what the rest of us are thinking. Down with the left!
ReplyDeleteWhy is that we have tied a record for hurricanes in one year? Why is it that we had so many large ones? Climate change is real. Why is things that can be scientifically proven or atleast a large amount of evidence supports you scream it's not Gospel, ne it's not Gospel, it is true. Gospel is what you believe. Oh yeah and in response to Mr. "Down with the left!" DEATH TO THE RIGHT! but then again never trust anyone who uses their middle name or initial ex: James Earl Ray, John Wilks Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, George W. Bush, etc.
ReplyDeleteApparently your grasp of sarcasm is as tenuous as your grasp of the English language, Mr. Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteyeah mr burns what he said.