(Please note a slight change in the name of this Blog. Henceforth it shall be known as "INSIGHT on Freedom")
If you have come to this site looking for a moist-eyed, hand-wringing apology for remarks made by Bill Bennett, a few days ago, then… you’re on the wrong site.
I have heard the tape of his remarks, within the context in which they were delivered, and I have read the transcripts of his broadcast and I can only say, he is being “sandbagged” by the MSM and the Left.
When what he said is read in its full context is read, it takes on the truth of the statement. The MSM and the Left, (which happens to be one and the same) are “cherry picking” to lift out a phrase they can use to condemn Mr. Bennett.
Well, they did that and then they ran out the usual suspects for the left wing Loonies to condemn and vilify Mr. Bennett.
Has anyone stopped to consider that what was said may be the truth? It is a fact that when abortions are up crime is down. That’s a documented fact.
Now, allow me to be clear here: I believe abortion is wrong… except to save the life of the mother and… in cases of rape and incest. What you believe is your business and I, frankly, don’t care.

Now here’s the problem we face. Truth cannot be spoken in this country anymore. The Political Correctness Police will bury a speaker of the truth if he dares open his mouth. As a result, the key to our freedom is being taken away. Truth. “Ye shall Know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free”. And without truth, we have no chance of being free. And that, Dear Reader, is where the left is taking us today.
Mr. Bennett is only the latest of the “Truth Sayers” to be pilloried.
The Truth is the one weapon we have against the Left that they know is lethal. And they cannot stand it. They cannot allow Truth to continue to be spoken publicly.
I urge you to go over to NewsBusters.org and read the transcript of exactly what Mr. Bennett said. Then decide for yourself. Here’s the web address: http://newsbusters.org/node/1704
Once you have done that, ask yourself, where the truth lies, exactly, and who is speaking the truth and who is acting responsibly. I think you will reach the same conclusion I have.
You cannot trust the Mainstream Media anymore.
Just wondering, the above 'ticker' doesn't state when america had declared war on those who later declared war on america. Pray tell.
ReplyDeleteThe above being said. I have to agree with the objective stance taken regarding the Bennet Affair.
ReplyDeleteThe gentlemen may be right from the scientific point of view given the right amount of data and the employment of the correct analytical methods.
What we ought to concern ourselves with is the general socio-economic circumstances that might have led to such a correlation being true and seek to eradicate them.
These remarks, in themselves, are not ‘racist’ but indicative of the racism and class deprivation that might render the correlation true.
His failure to extrapolate the abortion of fetuses is also indicative of the psychological undercurrents of american society. People are products of systems. It is the system that requires lynching.
I see Bennett isn't the only eugenecist.
ReplyDeleteGo to any group of people in unfortunate economic circumstances and you see similar crime rates. It was utterly, blatantly racist for Bennett to pick the group he picked to make the statement about, and that is in any "context" his apologists which to try to frame it in.
The problem with the right is they can't tell the difference between the truth and their own bigoted, ego-inflated opinions. Opinions are not facts, therefore they can't be truths!
ReplyDeleteYou're defending a man who obviously believes or has at least considered the idea of aborting black babies as a solution to the crime rate?! Are you really so filled with hate for the left that anything a conservative says is perfectly alright? Stop hiding behind some stupid statistic about abortions making crime rates go down and explain to me how you can defend anyone even thinking, muchless saying that killing a particular races fetuses would decrease crime. Even if that were true--what kind of person thinks up a statement like that??? Better question what kind of person would defend such a statement? Yeah-the left is definitely the looney ones--lol.