Why do you suppose it is that returning veterans, of Iraq, continue to tell us that what we are seeing on our TV news… and in the print media, (in other words… the Mainstream Media)… is not what is happening in Iraq.
No, if one, or two, soldiers came back home and made that statement… that would be one thing. But nearly every returning veteran says the same thing.
Could it be they are telling us the truth? Given a choice between a Military Veteran and the MSM, I’ll take the Military Veteran every time.
The MSM will bash, and smear, the US Military at every turn. They cannot stand the US Military. They cannot abide the US winning a war… any war. They are sick to death of America being the world’s only super power. Indeed, they do not want America to be a super power, at all. They believe the US is the cause of all the harm in this world. Somehow it always comes back around to the US. Trust the MSM to MAKE it the fault of the United States.
The multiple stories of the screw-up at Abu Ghraib Prison were telling. Not so much about the misdeeds done by a handful of US miscreants, but about where the Media’s loyalty lay. It did not lie with the US and American military.
The MSM’s interpretation of what went on there was much different than the interpretation of the bulk of the American people. You see…we still see flashes of those planes flying into the towers in New York. If you missed it, check the right hand side of the blog page and you will find a slide show to refresh your memory.
Now the MSM is at it again. The American soldiers burning the bodies of two Taliban, Islamic, terrorists. What the heck was wrong with that? They were dead. Killed in the act of attempting to kill our troops. They had been dead for days and their remains were stinking! So, the American troops burned them. They also used the opportunity as a chance to warn other Taliban troops, in the area, against thinking they could attack American troops with impunity. Frankly, I see nothing wrong with that.
Come on folks! They burned two bodies. In World War Two, we burned 130,000 Japanese to death when we fire bombed Tokyo. More than that were burned to death, by US troops, when we firebombed Dresden Germany. Now, our guys burn two… and all heck breaks out in the American and World Press. Had this bunch of mealy mouthed, left leaning, socialist, anti-American "pen pushers" been around during the Second World War Americans would have been speaking German, on the east coast, and the west coast would have been speaking Japanese!
So, it upset the Islamic world…. tough! Don’t mess with America!
The Islamic terrorists are making their biggest mistake by believing the American press actually represents Americans. They have yet to grasp that the American Press only represents themselves, not us, the average working America... the Americans who believe their country is worth saving... Americans who believe there is justification in going anywhere, and doing anything, to secure the safety of their homes and families.
So, if the terrorists were upset, too bad. Back off… and stop attacking our guys and you won’t get burned. It is really quite simply. But even at it’s simplest; it appears it is to complex for our adversaries.
Sadly, I include the MSM in the category of “Adversaries”.
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