Forgive me, but, I can’t let this go… just yet.
The Miers to the SCOTUS thing gives the impression that the President acted from a position of weakness. Whether he did, or not, makes no difference. You never allow yourself to be perceived as weak in politics. If you do… your enemies will be all over you.
I’ve disagreed with the President on a number of things. Trade, Immigration, Statehood for Palestine, not prosecuting the war, in Iraq, aggressively enough, Not pushing the reform of Social Security harder, not getting a grip on the fiscal irresponsibility of the Congress, just to name a few. When I disagree, I say so. When I think he is right, I say so. I think he is wrong on his pick for the Court. As it turns out several million more folks think the same way. It’s just very difficult to believe she is the best when all that TALENT is out there.
Besides, the national debate over the filibuster rules in the Senate and the Supreme Court’s “legislating from the bench” needs to be played out. It’s like an elephant in the room. Until it is, the temperature in the room is not going down. This was our opportunity to have a knock down, drag out, over this thing, and have it end, one way or the other. Now, we are being asked to support a woman we know next to nothing about, and hope, and pray, she will do the right thing… and wait, maybe ten years to find out. At the same time, the argument over the Court and the Senate remains unsettled. It looks like we have a bunch of wimps in the Senate.
Cronyism doesn’t bother so much. It’s a part of politics. What does bother me is… when the crony is not up to the job!
I am tired of both sides sending Supreme Court nominees up with instructions to say nothing. How, then, are we supposed to make an informed decision about somebody… if we don’t know squat about that person? Both sides do it. I don’t like it. I don’t think it’s right.
I used to hire and fire people. I would never have hired somebody to be the janitor, at my business, knowing no more about him, or her, than I do about this nominee.
This just stinks.
"Cronyism doesn’t bother so much. It’s a part of politics. What does bother me is… when the crony is not up to the job!"
ReplyDeleteYou must be crazy. Cronyism means picking someone you know over another person who is objectively more qualified for the job. Cronyism is not good for politics, as it is not good for business or society as a whole. It slowly corrupts by replacing meritocracy with a less efficient and fair system.