What happened in Ohio, on Saturday October 15th, was despicable. Riots never solve anything.
There is no excuse for the looting, the burning, the stoning of emergency vehicles, the totally irrational behavior, and mob mentality, demonstrated by the Black people rioting over the Nazi’s planned, and city approved, activity.
Which group did the most harm yesterday? You decide. The answer is elementary. The Nazis did not break the law, the black rioters did. It’s as simple as that. Yes, IT IS.
We claim we’re a nation of laws and we cannot tolerate the mob action from a group of people who don’t like the law.
I am no fan of the Nazis or any white supremacist group . I denied them access to the airwaves assigned my broadcast station many times because I was not a common carrier and had the constitutional right to allow anyone I wanted, or deny any one I wanted, access to airtime. I have other reasons for disagreeing with the white supremists, and what they stand for. Deep, abiding, reasons.
But that is beside the point. The US Constitution gives citizens of this country the right to peacefully assemble. By all reports that was what the Nazis were doing Saturday with, I might add, a legal permit, issued by the city, for their exercise.
It may have been poor judgment on the part of the city to issue that permit, but they did.
One other thing: It is accepted practice, among anarchists of the world, when protesting some event they do not favor, and doing so cloaked in the camouflage of a mob, always burn down the other fellows property. Not your own! Someone needs to explain this to the black community. It seems they always burn down their own homes, and businesses when rioting. That just shows how little discipline, and reason, there was among those rioters and it demonstrates their irrationality. It was raw emotion.
What happened Saturday will serve no good purpose for the black community of that Ohio town. Not a bit. It sure as heck did not create good will among the white community. It did create fear, disgust, and more hatred.
When any group of people act like undisciplined children, they will be treated as such.
The riot in Ohio was disgusting, it was destructive, and it served only to set the black community there back a few more decades.

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