Monday, October 10, 2005

"Loose the Dogs of War"

At the risk of raising the ire of the left, let me say something that is hardly said, at all, today. The US won the war in Iraq!! That’s right! If you get your news from the MSM , I’ll bet you didn’t know that.

Yeah, in case you missed it, it went sorta like this: the US, and troops from a coalition of other countries, invaded Iraq, defeated Iraq’s army… completely, overthrew the dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, hunted him down, and dragged his sorry derriere from a hole in the ground, and currently have him in prison where he is awaiting trails for atrocities committed on his “watch”.

The war in Iraq had a beginning, a middle, and an end. The WAR is over, won by the US and the coalition countries.

The carnage caused today is a direct result of elements of terrorist gangs from within Iraq, and Islamo/facist nations, scared to death that democracy will get a foot hold just across their borders. They know if that happens… they are doomed. So an insurrection, which began with a few PO’d die-hard Bathists… after being fed men, and material, and has become a first class guerilla army, causing needless death, pain, and destruction in Iraq today.

How do we win this second conflict in Iraq? Unleash the US Military. Let them do the job they were trained for. Allow them to smash Iraq, if necessary, to kill or capture as many of the “Evil-Doers” as possible.

As of this writings, I’m told, that today, the same tactics we used in Viet Nam are again being used and US service men, and women, are being killed needlessly. We are sending US troops in to clean out a town, or village, of terrorists. The troops go in and blast them out of their hiding places, secure the village and then…. LEAVE! In a few hours the surviving terrorists filter back into the same village, or strong hold, and resume their activities. This is the same “formula for failure” the US military employed in Vietnam. It caused demoralization of our troops. And it resulted in many, many needless deaths of US fighting men.

We really need to unleash our military and let them cleanse Iraq, and in doing so, make a statement, loud and clear, that if you go to Iraq with the purpose of causing mayhem, you will be killed. Plain and simple. Then… we need to do it.

We have been far too easy on Iraq… far too easy. When the US Military begins trying to wins hearts and minds, instead of the war, we begin to lose. I believe in the Nixon philosophy, “Get them by the b*lls, and their hearts and minds will surely follow”!

Get the lawyers out of the command centers, and off the battlefields, and let the US military do it’s job. The men, and women, of the finest fighting machine on the globe are being humiliated … not by the terrorists, but by their leaders who will not allow them to fight!

This must stop. Loose the “dogs of war” and be done with it!


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