Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and his Posse, are going after Mexican Illegals!
I just don’t know why it is so difficult for Washington to understand that when Southern Americans say “enough” that is exactly what they mean. I cannot fathom why Washing ton continues to underestimate us. But, they do!
They seem to forget there was another Republican President, and administration, as well as a Congress which would not listen to the voice of the South. That was 141 years ago and we are still feeling the effects of the ensuing war.
We are now embroiled in the illegal immigration duel with the Mexicans and the US Federal government aimed, it seems, against the Southern States and against the Border States even more. We have continually warned the powers that be, in DC, that one of us is going to handle the situation. Washington continues to drag it’s feet so, just as predicted, the Southern folk are rising up to take charge and do the government’s job for them.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, in Arizona, has created a 100-man posse, in addition to his deputies, whose sole purpose is to go after the illegal aliens in his area of authority. He says he is NOT going to turn them over to Immigration when he arrests them but jail them in HIS jail in Arizona.
Suits me! The Feds had their shot at fixing the problem. They passed. Now it is our turn.
The folks over at “breitbart.com” are running the full story. You’ll find it interesting . You can find them at:
This story speaks volumes about the federal government's inability to do its job. It also speaks volumes about just how intimidated the federal government is by the Left Wing of the political spectrum in the US.
The GOP has been warned time and time again. They are not listening to their base and it is going to cost them their positions of power in the US House and, quite probably, the US Senate.
Cowardice is a wondrous thing to behold.
The GOP seems frozen in place for fear of the MSM and the ravaging they are sure to receive at the hands of the Democrat Party. So, rather than taking a "damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead!" attitude, they shrink back and cringe from their responsibilities.
And they want Consrvatives to support them?
Sorry dude, you LOST the war. Get over
ReplyDelete"Sorry dude, you LOST the war. Get over"
Sorry you feel that way. We Southerners see it as "halftime".
Besides, I'm in a charitable mood today! Tomorrow is Confederate Memorial Day!(May 10th)
I wish you well this Memorial Day Mr. Longstreet. Wish the Liberals well if they do indeed get control, maybe WE can fix some woes in this nation..... maybe. I tried to have an open mind on Bush but I refuse to have closed eyes when I see what has happened here since he was first in office it makes me cringe and my blood boil.