Thursday, May 25, 2006

Brass Magnolias

Brass Magnolias

If I was still in the broadcasting business and, if I still had the “say so” on a station’s format, all the music of the Dixie Chicks would be thrown out into the nearest dumpster and they, and their music, banned from my station!

In my private life I don’t watch movies in which Jane Fonda appears, Whoopi Goldberg, Alex Baldwin, Susan Serandon, Barbara Strisand, and a host of other lefties appear. Tom Hanks is slowly making his way onto my list. Harrison Ford already made it. Sean Penn is well entrenched.

Back to the ditsy chicks (small case letters intentional). They have dropped about as low as is possible for an entertainer making a living, primarily off the people of the USA, who are willing to spend the good money they made working hard at their jobs. Those are the people who voted for President Bush! The pointy-heads, on the left, didn’t vote for him. The blue collar workers, the pick-up drivers, the Wal-Mart and K-mart shoppers, the people who buy their music… they are the conservative class in America and up ‘til now, they have been supporting the ditsy chicks.

No more. It’s over. You have just seen what it’s like when public figures commit suicide … in public.

In my not so humble opinion, when one pays good money for a ticket to attend a performance by a so-called STAR, it is a cheap, low, shot for that performer to take to the stage and begin to assail the audience with his or her politics! The performer has just cheated the audience and should get off the stage and return the money the attendee has just paid for their ticket.

In the case of the ditsy chicks they have insulted me by using the word DIXIE in the name of their act! People in DIXIE are not that crude, rude, and arrogant. Not to mention criticizing one’s own country while a guest of another country. That’s beyond low!

Yes, I lambaste the President when I think he is wrong and I climb all over the Republicans and the Democrats, nearly everyday, on this site, which is accessible all over the entire world. However, you who visit here are not asked to pay one thin dime to drop in, read what’s here, and make comments on it, pro or con. And this site does not misrepresent itself as one thing and turn out to be something else, altogether. These are My Opinions… nothing more and nothing less. That is the way this site is billed.

There must be something in the rarified air in which successful performers live, and move, and have their being. It seems the longer they survive in that atmosphere the more they forget who they are, and where they are from, and who got them where they are today.

I have family in the great state of Texas. I have friends there as well. The Carolinas have so many blood ties to Texas that we feel a closeness to that state that one feels for a distant family member. As the ditsy chicks hail from Texas, the folks in the Lone Star State must be embarrassed, beyond words, to have that fact known.

Here in Dixie, we still teach our children to say “Sir” and Ma’am”. Our Steel Magnolias still do not wear white before Memorial Day nor after Labor Day. By and large, we are a genteel people. Our women are known for their demure exterior and their “tough as steel” interior. Our ladies are not brassy. They are pure steel. Brassy women are often ostracized in the South.

No need for them to apologize this time. As we have learned, their apologies mean little, if anything, at all.


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