(NOTE: Today is the first day of the 2006 Hurricane Season!)
The closest thing to a saint many of us, living in Hurricane Alley, have is Professor Bill Gray, professor emeritus of Colorado State University.
Quite possibly the world’s leading expert on Hurricanes and certainly one of the worlds leading experts on Meteorology, he says Global Warming is a hoax! I believe him. Heck, I’ve been saying that since way back when the same folks were telling us we were at the beginning of a New Ice Age… all the way back to ancient history, 1977!
Bill Gray knows whereof he speaks! The Washington Post has an extremely good article on Gray and his lonely battle.
We recommend you go here:
http://blog.washingtonpost.com/achenblog/2006/05/global_warming_skeptics_the_te.html …. and read what he has to say.
In the next few weeks, and months, we are going to be pummeled with all the claims that global warming is causing increasingly stronger hurricanes… and all the rest of the tripe the Chicken Littles of the Green Movement can hurl at us.
I urge you not to fall for it.
Well, it is rather warm outside today.
ReplyDeleteI do not think he is fighting a lonely battle.
ReplyDeleteIndividual Skeptics
* Dennis Avery
* Sallie L. Baliunas
* Robert C. Balling
* David Bellamy
* Bob Carter
* Ian Castles
* John R. Christy
* Ian Clark
* Paul Driessen
* Bill Gray
* Andrei Illarionov, chief economic adviser to Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin
* Aynsley Kellow
* William Kininmonth
* Richard S. Lindzen
* Bjorn Lomborg
* Stephen McIntyre
* Ross McKitrick
* Patrick J. Michaels
* Alan Moran
* Alan Oxley
* Garth Paltridge
* Tim Patterson
* S. Fred Singer
* Carlo Stagnaro
* Philip Stott
* Wolfgang Thüne
* Jan Veizer
* Lord Lawson
Organizational Skeptics
* Scientific Alliance (UK)
* George C. Marshall Institute (US)
* International Policy Network (UK)
* Institute of Economic Affairs (UK)
* Competitive Enterprise Institute (US) [3] (http://observer.guardian.co.uk/business/story/0,6903,1431306,00.html)
* Institute of Public Affairs (Australia)
* Friends of Science (Canada)
* Lavoisier Group (Australia)
* New Zealand Climate Science Coalition
* The United Kingdom House of Lords Select Committee on Economic Affairs
* Australian APEC Study Centre
* Cooler Heads Coalition (http://www.globalwarming.org/index.php) - using the www.globalwarming.org domain name
ALL would claim global warming is a hoax.
i do hope you are not serious, otherwise you are weak minded and have fallen for corporate america's joke on her slave-like people: Global warming is here and its mostly america's fault.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at the DATA (the real data not what the Bush administration want you to think is data) before you even pretend that global warming is a hoax.
Our world is changing, and america will suffer the consequences for its actions if it does not stop its carbon emissions, you shall see in the next 50 years that climate change is very real: katrina is just the beginning. from gms
Sir/madam, when you grow up you might want to do your own thinking. I know it is difficult, but believe me, you will be better for it.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Katrina was a CAT 3 when she hit land. That's far from a "Super Storm". See, you've bought into the propaganda!
Sir/madam, when you grow up you might want to do your own thinking. I know it is difficult, but believe me, you will be better for it.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, Katrina was a CAT 3 when she hit land. That's far from a "Super Storm". See, you've bought into the propaganda!
I'd rather be fighting "Global Warming" with the help of the Democrats than a national I.D. against the Republicans......
Just a thought, if our leaders are busy with the enviornment, actually doing something about or borders, education, the economy, job creation, health care, etc... They are too busy to "F" with our freedoms.