Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Democrats Planning Republican Win in November!

Democrat Plans to Impeach the President are the Best Plans the Republicans Have!

The GOP is headed toward massive losses in November. The impotent leadership in the US House, and Senate, has embittered GOP voters. Combine that with the President’s, and the GOP’s, refusal to secure the southern border with Mexico... and refuse amnesty to the millions of illegal aliens in the USA... and Conservative voters are planning on staying home on Election Day, in droves!

This is a dark, gloomy, picture I’ve painted for the GOP. But… there is a ray of hope. There is a WAY the Republicans can maintain control of the Congress.

The folks at “The Reality Check” have it figured out. Read it for yourself at:


Combine the points made by “The Reality Check” with the absolute fury of the American people over the demonstrations in the streets yesterday, by illegal immigrants, and you have a seething American electorate. It is volatile… and it’s full fury will be directed at the political party which continues to refuse to secure the Southern Border with Mexico and insure there will be no amnesty, no matter what it is called, for the illegal immigrants in the US today!

Americans are in a “Throw the Bums Out”, mood and with good reason!



  1. I agree with you that we are in a "throw the bums out" mood. The illegal immigration issue and high energy prices are the tipping point. I, for one, am tired of electing people to office who will not get the job done right. Especially the Senate. No matter what the House gets done, it dies in the Senate.The Senate really needs a wake up call.

  2. The only ones I hear saying the Dems. plan to impeach Bush is the Republicans, or even investigate the idiot. The Republicans were the ones on the witch hunt for Clinton and caught him on what? Oral sex and lying about it..... Big deal, this guy lies to us everyday, I'd love to get him under oath and ask him tough questions, shoot everyone in Washington need be under oath as bad as failed.

  3. Frank, you and I BOTH have sorry, sorry, political parties. There is no leadership in either!

  4. Folks, the demo we saw across the nation yesterday was just like the ones in France, without the fire and violence....Think about it. If we tried stop them, we would have seen the real picture, those poor people are pawns in the hands of a culture who would like to bring this country down...I hope we wake up in time...if it's not already too late!!!!
