Wednesday, May 24, 2006

He's BACK!!!

He's BAAAck!

Could the GOP be THIS LUCKY???


  1. Algore is back??

    Damn, maybe he can be running mates with Hillary, that way him and Tipper and Bill can all be real CLOSE again...

  2. HA! I love it, Fred!

    There seems to be a strong movement among the "pinko lefties" to get Gore back into it... in hopes he would defeat Hillary in the primaries. (which he might very well do!)

    I think a great number on the left felt obligated to vote for Hillary even though they know she would lose against a half way decent GOP candidate. But, they dream of a "another" victory by Al Gore over the GOP candidate. They still believe he won the first time!

  3. Hey after all, he actually did win in 2000, after all the votes were actually counted. Atleast he didn't sue to stop the recount like this dictator wanna be we have now.
