Friday, May 19, 2006

The Euro-Weenies Are at it Again!

(Editor's Note: Since this post was written... Iran turned the EU's offer DOWN!)

Talk about PANDERING! Talk about Blackmail! Talk about spineless cowardice! Look to the European Union for living examples of each!

Now comes word that the EU is about to GIVE Iran a nuclear reactor to try to buy them off!

Read the article here:

Neville Chamberlain anyone??? Peace in our time! Oh, Yes! The European nations have learned nothing, absolutely nothing since Hitler pulled the same stunt and they tried to buy him off.

What a pathetic lot are the nations the European Union. My God! It is embarrassing to me to admit my northern European ancestry! I thank God everyday that they left Europe. I thank God every day that they came to America where they were allowed to become real men and real women!

Just think for a moment: if Iran is able to frighten the European Union … and they haven’t even got the BOMB yet… then what’s to stop them from simply marching their dinky little army right across the whole of Europe accepting surrenders from each country until they reach the Atlantic? Nothing.

Europe will never be anything other than a doormat for other nations, with testosterone, to wipe their feet on.

Obviously, I can’t speak for you, dear reader, but as an American who has paid in treasure and in family blood to regain and maintain Europe’s freedom, I expected more. I expected the Europeans to act like men! I expected Europe to be responsible for themselves and their collective safety. But they can’t. God help them they don’t have it in them anymore. They’ve lost the will to fight for freedom. They lost the will to be FREE!

That is what Socialism, does! That is what Multiculturalism does, that’s what diversity does! It saps one’s manhood. It leaves one a whimpering non-gender lump on the world stage for anyone with an ounce of gumption to tread upon at will.

I am thankful to God that my ancestors got the hell out of Europe.

Let’s get one think straight. The US understands the UN is not going to take serious action against Iran. What we are seeing now is a sort of kabuki dance, a “going through the motions”, if you will. We know nothing substantive will be done… not by the UN. So, for the US, this is just playing the diplomacy game. When all is said and done, the US, and it’s allies, will take Iran out and flatten it to remove it’s threat. What’s more, Europe knows this. The UN Knows this and they are thankful for the coming US action against Iran. They know that once again America will save their collective asses.

Having loss the will to defend themselves Europe must seek defense anywhere it can find it.

Let me mention also that most Americans understand that the biggest threat to world stability and security today is the UN. It has become an organization grown corrupt on a steady diet of money and power. Nobody seriously believes the UN is worth the money we pay into their coffers each year. The US has representatives there for the sole purpose of looking after American interests and getting a heads-up on any security threat to the US and it’s interests. That’s it!

So, where are we in the Iran/ nuclear bomb saga? About where we were. Iran is still going after the bomb and the US is still going to wipe them out!


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