Minutemen Begin Building Fence Along US/Mexican Border on Saturday, May 27th... as Promised.
The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps began building a fence along the Mexican/US Border yesterday (Saturday 5/27) just as they had promised they would do.
Some half a dozen landowners, in Arizona, have given permission for the fence to built on their property. It is not clear if others outside Arizona have also given permission. I suspect, as soon as those whose property borders either end of the fence realize the illegal invaders will be funneled toward THEIR property, they, too, will come around and allow the fence to continue it’s travel along the unsecured border.

The Minutemen say the cost of the fence is being held to $150.00 per foot. Last reports had the amount raised at $225,000 dollars. They are looking to raise another 10 million dollars for the next phase of the fence.
You may take a look at the proposed fence and learn how you can donate at:
I must tell you, I am concerned about what will happen when the National Guard comes in contact with the Minutemen. It is inevitable. What happens then?
Will the Federal Government demand that the Minutemen cease and desist? Will the Minutemen, and the National Guard, square off against each other? Or, will the government allow the Minutemen to continue their project unopposed? Lets hope the latter becomes reality. To see “federalized” state troops engaging American citizens will set our stomachs churning and may well lead to another unpleasant era similar to the one in the 1860’s.
Nobody wants that. But, our government is so disconnected from the people of the United States that it is entirely possible the unlikely scenario described above could happen.
I have never seen a time in US history, save for the period of the Civil War, when the US government turned it’s collective backs on the people of the nation and refused to hear their pleas and their warnings. That is exactly what the Federal Government is doing today… and the anger, rising up in the American people, is matching that of the anger of the Southern States of the same period.
What we have, effectively, is “Taxation without Representation”. The Federal Government is gladly sucking up the funds from the Southern Border States and refusing to represent them in the Congress.
The immigration bill, being ground out in the Congress, will be unsatisfactory, and unacceptable, to the citizens of the US. Primarily because… we understand the Administration, and the two political parties, DO NOT WANT THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION STOPPED! That fact flies in the faces of the American People.
The legal citizens of the US MUST clean the Houses of the Congress in November. We can’t get them all, in one fell swoop, because they are not all up for re-election. But we can get a lot of them.
We can take the power away from the Republican Party, for a couple of years, as punishment, and we can allow the Democrats to make fools of themselves for the next two years… as they most certainly will do. That will ensure their ouster in 2008. Hopefully, by that time, we will have organized, and equipped, a third “Conservative Party” to challenge the two parties (making mincemeat of our laws today) and make some drastic changes in the way the US government has distanced itself from the voters.
It has become clear the country needs saving and the two political parties in power now are not capable of saving it.
We can take the power away from the Republican Party, for a couple of years, as punishment, and we can allow the Democrats to make fools of themselves for the next two years… as they most certainly will do. That will ensure their ouster in 2008. Hopefully, by that time, we will have organized, and equipped, a third “Conservative Party” to challenge the two parties (making mincemeat of our laws today) and make some drastic changes in the way the US government has distanced itself from the voters.
How about a party of the middle class, for the middle class!!!!! I wouldn't characterize it as much Liberal or Conservative, but one with some freakin' common sense.