Restraint! Restraint! Israel Must Be Restrained????? Has the world gone mad???
The idiots calling for Israel to restrain from hitting the godless enemies of their state are the reason Israel has to fight this war, to begin with!
The problem has been far too much restraint, on the part of Israel, and, I happen to believe, the restraint they had employed, up to now, has been as a direct result of urging from the US.
Now, all bets are off!
It’s about time!
If the US wants to do something useful, get the heck out of Israel’s way and allow them to fix the problem, once and for all. Further, the US should be employing it’s satellites to locate the launching point of the rockets hitting Israel and give those coordinates to the IDF, and let the Israeli pilots take them out!
I am convinced that the main reason, and there are many, but the main reason, this “war” drags on and on, across generations, is that the US will not get out of the way and allow Israel to clean out the territory around them.
I mean, we have a country, in Israel, ready to fight, ready to secure their part of the world... and… between the UN and the Euro-weenies, and the American Left, and even the “Bleeding Heart Libs” on the American Right, the "weeping and wailing" has been nothing but an impediment to any kind of peace in that area. So long as the Moslems know they have nothing to fear from the remainder of the world, and as long as they know that when Israel attempts to defend themselves the American Left, and the aforementioned accomplices in the UN and Weenie-Land (Europe), will throw themselves beneath the treads of the IDF tanks and protect the rabid terrorist… why the hell SHOULD they stop killing Jews??? It happens every time. The terrorist can count on it… and they do!
I am overjoyed to see Israel give the finger to everyone and say to the world: “by God, we will live in our homes, we will protect what is ours, and we will secure our little patch of the planet earth… whether you like it or not! So deal with it!”
That’s what freedom-loving people do. That’s what people who actually love their country do. That’s what people who actually love their families do. That’s what brave warriors, thankful for what their country has provided for them, do. That’s what REAL men and Real women do! They fight for their country. They fight for their families; they fight for their freedom. The Israelis know, and they understand, the cost of freedom… and they know what happens, from first and second hand experience, what happens when you don’t fight for your freedom.
So, no, do not restrain your troops, Israel. Urge them on! Your actions provide hope to country’s like mine . Countries which have grown fat, and lazy, and whose leadership is weak and spineless and have lost their love of freedom and their understanding that out here, in the hinterlands, where THIS writer lives, are people who DO still love this country… people who will STILL put their lives on the line, in a heartbeat, to maintain the freedom our ancestors bled and died for.
Israel is a shining example of all the things a democratic warrior nation must be. (It is impossible to be a democratic nation and NOT be a warrior nation!) She is kind and loving toward her people and... merciless and unforgiving toward her enemies. THAT is the way it should be. That is the way it must be if a democratic nation is to survive.
If the US military were allowed to fight, as the IDF does, the war in Iraq would have been over in less than a week! Iran would be a blackened ruin on the face of the earth. The mountains of Tora Bora would be a memory recognized only by their blackened, radio active, heap of ash.
So… Go Israel! The American citizen is pulling for you! Forget the anti-Semitic UN and the “Jew hating” countries of Europe. Ignore all the self-serving whining coming for the gaggle of (so-called) Leaders meeting at the G-8. Listen only to the voice of your God and your people, Israel. Do what you must to ensure your survival.
Our hopes and our prayers are with you!
Longstreet..............Update: Why Does the Left Hate Israel? See "The American Thinker" at:http://www.americanthinker.com/articles.php?article_id=5106Joel 3:9-10
9 Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.
10 Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears. Let the weakling say, "I am strong!"