Monday, July 3, 2006

"Mother Jesus" says New Episcopalian Bishop!

You know, I could have sworn (excuse me, affirm) that Jesus was a man.

It would seem to our liberal, no, uh, "Progressive", brothers, and sisters, in THE CHURCH, the truth makes no difference. As a matter of fact, the truth is inconvenient! So they change it to suit themselves.

The newest leader in the move to transform the church from a place for the worship of God to the worship of men... make that WOMEN... is the new Episcopalian Bishop. And no, I will not speak, or write, her name!

To get the full story on this disgusting approach to transforming the church, (and we urge all subscribers to the Christian faith to do so) go to "News Busters". Just click on this link for the whole story:

There was a time, in America, when the one constant, the one solid rock, the place for consolation, and for forgiveness, was your church. No longer. The Marxists have finally gotten to it. They have hi-jacked Americas mainline religions!

There is today, only one branch of the "Christian Church" still following the "Great Commission" of Christ to his church. (Matthew 28: 18-20… “All authority hath been given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world”) That, Dear Reader, is the Evangelical Community. And THAT explains their explosive growth. You see, it is STILL to the gospel that men and women flock. That is... men and women who understand their own inadequacies and do not seek to set themselves above God and his Son. (Not daughter!)

Just a few days ago, we learned of another mainline denomination wishing to change the Holy Trinity to reflect anything but "maleness".

I'd like you to take a little test, on your next visit to your church, especially if you are of one of the mainline denominations in America. When you are seated comfortably in your pew, look around you and note the number of women in attendance and the number of men in attendance. My guess is, you will find the men are greatly outnumbered by the women. If the wife is singing in the choir, look for those husbands as well. Chances are the husbands are not there. Why, do you think that is?

As a male, who has washed his hands of organized religion, I can tell you that men feel the mainline Christian churches are anti-male. There is hostility to men in those churches and the men can feel it. You ladies may not think we are sensitive, but we are. We just don't wear our feelings on our sleeves. Most men, like myself, are not going where they/we are not welcome.

Our churches are taking on gender just as our political parties in America did. Democrats equal woman. Republican equals Man. Now the church is doing the same thing. Mainline churches equal female and Evangelical churches equal male! It really IS very simple. ... and it is Satanic… the damage it is doing to the religious community in America.

Now, I'm not attempting to impress you with my piety. The Good Lord knows it would be hypocritical for me to do that. I'm just a guy who grew up in the church and had the good fortune to be in on the founding of three missions, in two states, two of which grew into influential churches and continue to serve their communities to this day. One of the three is, frankly, on it's last legs. I have been a lay preacher. I have spoken from the pulpit many times and would do it again, but my kind is no longer wanted in today's churches. We're the dinosaurs of the church. You see... we still believe the scriptures are relevant in, and for, today's world. That places us in a distinct minority.

Now, I ascribe to myself only one label… that of Pharisee. For that is what most nearly describes me. I have very little sympathy (Very unchristian of me, I know. See, I TOLD you I was a Pharisee!) for those in positions of leadership in the Christian Church in America. They have much to answer for. And you can believe me, or not, (in the end it will make no difference to the outcome) but they will be called to account for leading God's children astray.

If sins were graded on a scale of one to ten, with ten the worst sin, then what the leaders in today's mainline denominations, in America, are doing would certainly be rated a huge TEN!



  1. As a woman I have to say this is indeed sad and stupid. Christ was clearly a man who spoke of the Father who sent him. I will continue to worship Father, Son and
    Holy Spirit. Why women try to emasculate the universe is beyond my comprehension. Changing gender of God perhaps is a way of being so outrageous on the gender issue that the support of gays in the ministry will slip by.

  2. The Episcopalians make me think their purpose is to empower homosexuality, nothing more, nothing less...

  3. "Gay" was a perfectly good word until they co-opted it.

    I have a cousin named Gay. I seriously doubt that she uses her name anymore. Even though it was/is her middle name, she was known by it. I suspect she is now known by her first name. I haven't seen her in 40+ years.
