Tomorrow is July 4th. The Day Americans celebrate as the day we won our independence from Great Britian.
Now, if you want to talk about truth being inconvenient, then allow me to remind you that America won her independence with the GUN!
I'm not a shill for the NRA, I'm not even, currently, a member. But, I have to tell you that The Gun made us free and the gun will keep us free... as long as we do not allow our government to take them away.
Back in January of 2005 , I pennned the words below. I thought it would serve as a very good reminder as we approach the celebration of our Independence.
So, tomorrow, as you enjoy your picnics and your fireworks, remember how you got your freedom.
Gun Control…Controlling the Citizenry
A government cannot control its citizens without gun control in the extreme. I mean… taking away the guns of those citizens.
The founders of the US understood this and they thoughtfully granted the citizens of the US the right to bear arms. So long as the citizens exercise that right we will be free. Soon after giving it up, we will be a totalitarian nation. It is just that simple.
I have heard all the arguments for taking away our guns and they all ring hollow when presented side by side with the facts.
Look, if you want to reduce gun deaths in America, you have to change people’s conduct. The gun is just a cold piece of machinery. It does what it is commanded to do.
The silly argument, which says the founders intended only members of the Militia to possess arms, is ridiculous. OK, who is the militia? Huh? No, it is not the National Guard. No, it is not the Reserves, and no, it is not the organized Armed Forces of the United States. Let’s look at the Federal Law on the militia. Paraphrasing the US Code title 10, section 311: “all males born in the US are automatically members of the US Militia from age 17 through age 46”.
I’m not a member of the NRA. But, I wish them well.
Our freedom is far too precious to allow the anti gun lobby to take it away. The gun bought us our freedom and it keeps us free. Take away the gun and those with murder in their hearts will still murder… by other means. Remember, Cain had not a single gun.
In the Nation’s capitol, where gun ownership is illegal, they have more murders than any other place in the country. How can that be? Murder comes from the heart, not from the gun.
A wise man once said: “Freedom stands on five boxes: The Soap Box, The Ballot Box, the Jury Box, the Witness Box, and… the Cartridge Box".
There can be no compromise with those who would disarm our populace. We must fight to keep our second amendment rights, for nothing less than our freedom is at stake.
One of our founding fathers had this to say on our right to bear arms:
[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms. ---James Madison,The Federalist Papers, No. 46.
Finally, no less a person than “founding father” Patrick Henry said the following:
“Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are ruined.”
Never give up your gun for... it is your freedom.
I find it amazing how the liberals are so fixated on Free Speech and the Fourth Admendment so they can continue to attack President Bush and his administration and yet they forget that we have other rights that they themselves seek to trample; Right to Bear Arms and Freedom of Religion.
ReplyDeleteAs you have written so eliquently in this post that the Right to Bear Arms is what gave us our freedom and it is what has preserved our freedoms. They seek to trample our Freedom of religion by restricting our right to pray. After all it is the Freedom of Religion and not the Freedom from Religion.