Finding something for Condi to do on the other side of the globe, from Israel, is a great strategy, at the moment, for the Bush Administration. This Israeli/Hizbollah fight needs to rage on for a few more weeks, anyway.
Look, if we don’t allow those people to fight this thing out, we’re only delaying the inevitable.
By now, everyone should know that this is a fight between Iran and Syria on the one side and Israel and the US on the other.
It would appear that Israel intends to drive the Hizbollah back about 20 miles from the Northern Border of Israel. Liberating land, again, which they just turned over to Lebanon after occupying it for some 18 years.
Looking at the situation on the ground today, as opposed to 18 years ago, I don’t believe 20 miles will be deep enough. If Iran continues to provide Hezbollah with improved rockets it most certainly will not be far enough.
Back, many moons ago, when I was in the artillery, we had a battery of guns, with which, we could lob 208 pound shells 17 and ½ miles into a 55 gallon oil drum… sight unseen. That was in the late 50’s and early 60’s. And, those guns were Korean War vintage 8-inch howitzers. Some of the rockets being employed by the Hezbollah have a range of 100 miles.
So, Israel may be forced to push through Lebanon and take Syria. Once they do that… maybe they can swing back to Lebanon and wipe out the Bakaa Valley.
The point is… Israel is not finished yet. She is a long way from slowing down her drive. He ground troops are being carefully husbanded and prepared for a huge ground push when the time is right.
Now is not the time for the US to interfere. It is not the time to try for any kind of cessation of hostilities. The job is not finished. Israel has much to do and the US should stay on the sidelines and allow her to get the job done. As of this moment… the best thing the US can do is … don’t interfere!
Now, for those of you who feel the current administration is disconnected from the events in northern Israel and southern Lebanon, please understand the Bush Administration knows exactly what is going on there, and in many cases, BEFORE it happens. We have that kind of relationship with Israel.
So, while the Media pounds us with body counts in an attempt to prove those mean ole Israelis are just stacking up bodies of those poor helpless Hizbollah terrorists, just remember… each dead Hizbollah terrorist is one less we will have to face at some point in the future.
As I view the determination, displayed by the Israeli defense forces, the difference becomes clear, between the Israelis and the Americans.
The Israelis understand they are fighting for their very lives. The Americans do not. Until America understands, as do the Israelis, we are going to continue to be tied up, indefinitely, in little piss ant countries, like Iraq, when we should have flattened it in a matter of hours and moved on.
The US involvement in wars in the Middle East could have been reduced by simply winning the First Gulf War... and winning it BIG! By stopping US forces, some 30 miles from Baghdad, we set the stage for the Iraqi War, in which we find ourselves today.
Have we learned our lesson? I doubt it. Soon we will have Secretary Rice in the Middle East putting on a snow of trying to get Israel to stop beating up on those “poor helpless Hizbollah”. The whole act will be for the Israel hating Left and for the UN, which, actually, is the same thing.
In the meantime, Israel should continue it’s attacks, continue it’s push deep into Lebanon, and even Syria, if the opportunity provides itself. If they don’… they know, they will simply have to do it again, and soon.
The US should stay out of it… and allow Israel the time she needs to accomplish her mission.
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