Saturday, July 22, 2006

Exit Strategy for the War on Terror!

(This Post First Aired in May of 2006!)

Good news for our friends on the Left. The Administration, with assistance from the conservative “think tanks” through-out the land, have put their collective heads together to create an exit strategy for the “War on Terror”.

After much consideration, and airing of opposing ideas, the spokesman for this group announced today they have reached a conclusion and it will be referred to the President for action.

Asked my media representatives for a hint of the report’s contents, the spokesman would say only that the entire strategy is encapsulated in one word: Victory!

Pressed for more detail the spokesman returned to the lectern and summed the report up thusly:

“Victory will be achieved when the last terrorist is… dead”. He then turned and strode from the pressroom amid the gasps of surprised and mortified journalists.


The story above did not happen. I wish it had, but the truth is, it did not.

The truth alluded to in the story, though, is the fact that this war will go on and on until, at some point, we have killed the last of those would be killers of Americans.

Now, I’m not so naive as to believe that there WILL BE AN END. There will be periods when the action will not be as obvious and there will even be short periods of rest. But, by and large, this war will have no end.

I know you don’t like to hear such things… such pessimistic things, but this is a reality check, if you will. You see, there is no exit strategy, because there is no exit.

This so called war on terror began in the 1970’s and will continue into the unseeable future. As long as the United States of America exists there will be those who would bring her down. Call it envy. Call it what you like. The fact remains that are people out there who want us dead. They don’t much care how they do it, even if it means their own death, or the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents. They simply do not care!

In the parts of the world where we DO care, we’re called civilized. As a result, we’re called the Great Satan and such by those who do not care. There is something spectacularly wrong with this picture.

I have contended, from the beginning of this War on Terror, that the US is not being aggressive enough. I still believe that. I’d prefer to see the US military in one long continuous attack leveling everything before it. I’d like to see punishment meted out.

I will never, so long as I live, be able to erase the pictures, in my mind, of those Twin Towers collapsing and the desperate “death jumps” made by people in those buildings, whose only choice was a slow, painful, death by fire, and smoke, or a fairly quick death by jumping from that great height. They should never have been placed in such a position as to have to make that choice.

A videotape of those planes crashing into the Twin Towers, of those jumps, and of those buildings collapsing, should be aired every other hour, 24 hours a day, on all the TV networks in America, cable and broadcast. Americans need to be reminded that we are living under a constant death threat. Our death warrants have already been written. The terrorists are only waiting for a chance to execute those warrants.

And… I am supposed to be upset by the US torturing some AQ prisoners??? Don’t make me laugh!

Now add to the mixture another madman in the middle east in a race to build an atomic bomb, which he will use at his first opportunity on Israel, or lay off shore of the US, in international waters, and lob a Chinese made missile with a crude, but workable, atomic warhead on it fired from the deck of a rusty old freighter, into New York City, or Washington, DC, or Charlotte, NC, or… oh well, you name the city.

Those of you who think the negotiations, within the UN, will actually matter are delusional. The UN is an unworkable body. It is as screwed-up, itself, as is the Middle East.

So we are back to square one. It is kill or BE killed. We have to get serious about this war. Kill the alligators and drain the swamp. Stop holding back. Unleash our military and let them do what they do better than any other military in the world… kill people and break things.

The US should adopt the slogan of the Israeli Defense Forces… “Never Again!”


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