Sunday, July 9, 2006


(The flashing red light which appears here, periodically, indicates an extemely important post, which we recommend you read immediately!)

(This post is of such IMPORT, we, here at IoF have decided to run this post again today, Sunday, 7-9-06.)

If you are concerned about the condition America finds herself in today… if you are concerned that America’s future is imperiled and we have no one to lead us out of the morass… if you completely discount the Democrat Party as a realistic player in American politics any more, and find yourself extremely concerned over the direction the GOP has taken, and continues to take, then we recommend this blog post to you. You'll find it at "Aussiethule".

Go to:

Take a tip from Martin Luther and nail this blog post to the White House door and the door of Congress!!!

Thanks, Aussiegirl! You nailed it! You ARE NOT ALONE. Many of us are every bit as concerned, and every bit as anxious, about finding a leader for this great country. I scratch my head in wonderment, daily, as I watch the foolish antics in Washington. I wonder which world they are living in… because it bears little resemblance to the REAL WORLD!

I worry about the “shadow government” which really wields control of the government we see day in and day out. They are the people who, as you rightly claim, choose our national leaders and then graciously allow us to think we are doing the choosing.

I, too, worry that America’s best days are behind her. We desperately need a leader for America. The two political parties, now in control, haven’t the power, anymore, to deliver such a leader as we need. Such a leader will, of necessity, come from the people.

Who will it be? I haven’t a clue. But, somehow, I must feel that one will emerge… and soon. The conservatives stand ready to flock to his side. We want to save this country. We want to do so NOW, while we still stand a sliver of a chance of success!
If you believe in prayer… now would be an extremely good time!!!



  1. Thanks for the link to this thought provoking post. I too worry about our nation and pray that God will not withdraw His protection since so many of us have turned away from Him.

  2. You are welcome, Pat!. I share your concerns regarding the limits of God's patience.

  3. I said before and will repeat it here, "If God lets us keep going this way, he is going to owe Soddum and Gamora an apology." If your looking for leaders, I don't see any on the horizon. We don't vote for them, we vote for tax cuts, or religious reasons, or just for the sake of it. We don't hold our people accountable, really accountable on either side. I don't know if it is fear the other side is worse, or what. By the time someone gets on the ballot, they have their hands in so many pockets that we the people are doomed. WE NEED TO WAKE UP! Get all the "corporate monies" out of the campaigns for starters, stop ALL the shenanigans at the poling places, and get a nationalized voting standard and overseeing committee that is truly transparent if you want change for the better. If someone really good ran as an independent I think both the Republicans and Democrats would come together to "Crush" the person, for fear that their power would be erroded.
