Note to Readers of IoF:
You should understand that I view the "War on Terror", the war involving the US and Israel, on the one hand, and the Islamists on the other hand, as a war betweem Islam and the Judeo-Christian religions. This is a fight to the death! Only one of us will survive. The Judeo- Christian faith can no longer co-exist with Islam. The Islamists will not allow it. They want Judeo-Christians dead. They want to rule the world. We, the Judeo-Christians, are the only people standing in their way to world domination.
If those of us, of the Judeo-Christian faith, wish to survive, we must fight a vicious non-relenting fight to the death. A no-quarter fight. For this war can end only in the irradication of one side... or the other.
Now, you're not going to hear this on the Radio, or on the TV, or even in your newspapers. No... can't be allowed to happen! Americans can't handle truth, anymore, because the continuous diet of pablum, fed us by our leaders, and the MSM, has weakened us so that we cannot stand the truth.
Well, you have just read the truth. This is a religious war. A war about religion. Nothing more and nothing less. You may like it, or not. It makes no difference. The truth remains.
If Jews and Christians wish to survive there can be only one outcome. We must win. And to win we must do whatever it takes. For... you can rest assured... the islamists will.
Now... on to today's post:
I sincerely hope our President, George Bush, has the good sense to stay out of Israel’s way and allow them to clean that rat’s nest out over there.
The west has a fantastic opportunity here to eradicate the terrorists by the hundreds and even the thousands.
Now that Israel has crashed through the door, we have an unbelievable open door to flood the Middle East with the military forces of the US, and any coalition nation, which wishes to participate.
Now, maybe we can get serious about ridding the world of the wild-eyed fanatics known as Islamofacists.
We have the two strongest, most capable, armed forces in the world, forming a pincer maneuver around Syria as I write this. US forces could move west and Israeli forces move east.
I don’t see our politically correct Congress supporting such a move, however. Now, very soon, the cries of “it’s too much” will be heard in criticism of Israel for defending herself. Some of the loudest cries of criticism will come from the American Left. The poor hand wring weenies of the Left got the world into this mess in the first place!
For a few hours Friday I was hoping that the world would come to finally see that the Islamic nuts want us all dead! (Every last one of us not already Muslim.) But no… by lunchtime, the UN was weeping tears for the poor terrorists and the Euro-weenies were weeping and wailing that Israel was picking on those poor people and, “really, they should stop that and go home”. Utter nonsense!
As I write I can hear the News Channel in the background, on my TV, and true to form, the Dems are all over the news blaming Bush for the Israeli/ Hezbollah war.
I’m upset with Bush too, but not for the same reason. I’m upset that he hasn’t put the US Marines on alert to fly to Israel and stand ready to enter the fight along side the IDF.
Come on, folks! That little iddy bitty nation is fighting OUR FIGHT! Every terrorist they kill is one less the US has to worry about! For God’s sake, Mr. Bush, don’t try to stop them… offer to help Israel!
In the meantime our hopes and prayers are with the IDF and the people of Israel. I sure wish our troops were, too!
You always post such great topics. I'm politically involved, but I need to get more active. I thoroughly enjoy reading this blog! =)
ReplyDeleteYou always post such great topics. I'm politically involved, but I need to get more active. I thoroughly enjoy reading this blog! =)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Dana. I try!
ReplyDeleteBest regards!
ReplyDeleteGreat post as usual and unfortunately you are right, the Islamic Extremists have hijacked the Islamic faith and because of this is makes it us against them and I for one plan to be the surviving side.