Multiculturalism at Work in America... GAG!!!
For better than two centuries American got along quite well with it’s bi-cultural society. (The Northern culture and the Southern Culture.) Even so, we still managed to have one savage war as a result, but we managed to stifle our dislike of the other’s culture in order to live peaceably on this continent.
All that changed in the mid 20th century with the advent of the purveyors and practitioners of Multiculturalism.
The Multiculturalists worked tirelessly infiltrating our schools, our government, our churches, until every facet of American life was exposed to the wonders of multiculturalism.
No longer do we have a distinct American culture. Nope, we have a multitude of cultures all squeezed together within the borders of the United States… and we are about to explode!
The first explosion, we called the American Civil War, was at a time when there were but two cultures in this nation. It was the most savage, bloody, period in our history.
America stands at the threshold of an internal conflict, which will make the War Between The States look like a Sunday School Picnic!
Illegal immigration is the fuse, which will set off the coming explosion. And that fuse is burning fiercely!
If you doubt my predictions here, I direct your attention to the demonstrations in the streets of America, over the past weekend, and the past few days. That, dear hearts, is multiculturalism at work in America. Criminals marching in our street defying the law to arrest them and attesting to how proud they are, of being illegal immigrants to America… and… to top it off… they have the unmitigated nerve to attempt to force us to make citizens of them!
By the way, did anyone notice the Mexican flag they carried?
How long do you think those who want them arrested, deported, or locked up for 20 years, in a federal prison camp, and out of our hospital emergency rooms, out of our schools, off our welfare rolls, and out of our country, are going to sit idly by and watch them parade their pride at having rubbed the US’s nose in it’s own urine? How long?
I submit, it won’t be long.
The bill passed out of the Senate Judiciary Committee Monday night does nothing but set the match to a powder keg. It is a betrayal of America. The bill includes, as I predicted, amnesty!
For details on the Senate Bill, which will be debated over the next two weeks, go to “Red State”.
Click here:
As for Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, I sure hope he has not bought a home in Washington, or signed a long lease on a dwelling there. In all likelihood he will be coming home as soon as he stands for election again. His South Carolina constituents have had all they want of his moderate to liberal politics. South Carolina is one of the most Republican states in America (A short time ago, it was THE most Republican state in the Union). It is also a bastion of conservatism. They are not going to put up with Graham’s brand of politics much longer.
This Senate bill is gong to run headlong into the Bill from the US House. The House Bill is a different bill than that of the Senate. The House is the governing body closest to the American citizen.
And finally, at least for this post, the President is in even deeper trouble with his conservative base. You know, the first law of “HOLE DIGGING” IS THAT WHEN YOU FIND YOURSELF IN ONE… STOP DIGGING! Somehow the President has missed this common sense law altogether.
The President has a Mexican sister-in-law. I don’t know if that is what’s coloring his perception on illegal immigration, or not. But something is!
In all likelihood there will be no bill passed and signed into law this year.
However, in the meantime, it would behoove our Latino visitors to assume a low profile. If they continue the their public demonstrations in support of illegality, sooner or later, they are going to be met with a mob which has taken the extreme opposite view and people are going to get hurt!
So, let’s round them up, deport them, and get those fences and walls built, pronto!