A “Boiling Point”, or as some say, a “Tipping Point” is near, as Legal Americans have lost all patience with those who have broken into, and illegally entered, our country.
When illegals take to the streets of America’s cities, by the half millions, and parade their defiance of US Law in the faces of the people of the nation they have raped, while waving the flag of a foreign country, it is a call to action!
When our political leaders do not have the fortitude to pass legislation to rid this nation of the pestilence of illegal immigration, it is a call to action!
When the law enforcement agencies of the nation shirk their duty and refuse to enforce the laws on the books, it is a call to action!
I have come to believe that our leaders are so out of touch with their constituents they have no idea how angry we are at the illegals… and… at them… for their spineless contortions to create legislation to cover their covetousness for minority voters and cheap labor!
The anger out here in the hinterlands, in “fly-over” country, is palpable. The heat of our anger is akin to touching one’s finger to a hot stove. Somebody is going to get burned!
Look, it’s this simple: either put the US military on the Southern Border to secure it, and seal it, or put the US military on the streets of America… between the mobs of “illegals” and “angry LEGAL Americans”. That tipping point, that boiling point, is fast approaching.
If the Law enforcement authorities and the government authorities won’t enforce the laws, how long will it be before US citizens do it for them?
I found an insightful piece over at “OPINIONNATION” I recommend you read at:
The rumblings have begun. This situation can get very ugly, very fast! Those of you in the “Hallowed Halls of Congress” need to reassess your stance on illegal immigration... and do it quickly. Your proposed bills to “solve” the situation have only created more consternation among your constituents. You really need to get out more. Get in touch with the people who sent you there. You will be surprised to learn that we are laughing, bitterly, scornfully, at your lack of understanding as regards the security of our Southern Border with Mexico. Put some” feelers” out in your Districts and in your states and learn just how angry we really are. You apparently have no idea!
This is not going away…not until the border is secured and the illegals are rounded up, and deported… and… new laws are enacted to stop the rape of our country by foreign illegals.
Talk about “Home Invasion”!
If necessary, suspend the Posse Comitatus Law, and get the National Guard, and the Reserves, into the field, at once, to begin rounding these illegals up and herd them to, and, across the border.
I am a conservative Republican. I have been all my adult life. I am in my mid sixties and I am at the verge of leaving the Republican Party because our leaders have proven themselves to be “pretenders”, concerned only for their appearance before the cameras, and the microphones, of the mainstream media. They have grown fat on the “good life” of Washington until they are afraid of actually “representing” their constituents for fear of losing their splendid, soft, positions in the nation’s capital.
Our nation is being over run with illegal immigrants from Mexico and, God only knows where else! Good men have bled and died to secure this country in many crises before todays. And yet, the spineless Congress, we currently have, is inclined to allow this wonderful, marvelous, country to be lost through “inaction” and “lack of will”. It is insane!
I’m worried that this situation is headed toward a climax, which will go down in the history books. And it doesn’t have to be this way.
To our legislators: in the name of all that is good, kind, and holy, we don’t need a new law! We simply need YOU to enforce the laws you have already made!
Don’t tell me the illegals can’t be rounded up. Put a bounty on them and our jails will be over flowing by the weekend!
Don’t pluck at my heartstrings by telling me we can’t “tear families apart”! Yes we can! They should have thought of that before crashing the border!
Don’t tell me we can’t send them back into their country because their government is corrupt. Why not? Send them back and let them clean up their own government… as we intend to do at the next election!
Thanks for the Comment, ole friend! I too, am looking for that third "Conservative" party!!!
ReplyDeleteWell said. I, too, am very frustrated by What the actions of the republicans we elected. I am espaecially upset with the Senate. It does't matter what issue comes up before them, the Republican Senate majority caves to the MSM or the latest opinion poll. We elected them to get the job done, but they aren't doing it.
ReplyDeleteBut where do we turn. I can't bring myself to vote for a Democrat and there isn't a good third conservative party to turn to. Any thoughts?
I shared my thoughts on Mexico with a co-workers and maybe opened their minds a little.... let's see if it works, here...... 1st thing would be to strengthen our unions in this country, to maintain a decent standard of living for us here! 2nd organize the workers in Mexico, to bring their standard of living up to equal with ours (hey their human beings they deserve it). I know the controlling families in Mexico control all the wealth and the average person lives in squaller. It is sad, very sad indeed that you live better by illegally entering a country and work for peanuts or collect government assistance then you do by trying to get gainfull employment in your own country. I also know that you conservatives blame everything negative on unions but youu can also blame paid holidays, vacation time, 40 hr work weeks, minimun wage, the whole concept of a middle class itself on unions as well.... and if you don't believe me look at Mexico! Just remember United we stand counts for the American Laborer as well! But back on point if we help create social change in Mexico there will be no neeed for Mexicans to flee here.... No need to put our military (already too thin) on our borders..... No need to spend tons of tax revenue on a wall. unions I thin would jump at the chance to go international and we wouldn't need to subsidze them! Just think about it before you bash my head in for this one!
ReplyDeleteBob: I have concluded that we need a 3rd party... a Conservative Party titled JUST THAT: The Conservative Party. This would provide a home for dissatisfied CONSERVATIVES from all other parties, including the Conservative Democrats. Yes the Democrat Party, especially in the South, is loaded with Conservatives who cannot bring themselves to join the Republican Party.
ReplyDeleteI honnestly believe that, in a few short years, The Conservative Party would become the dominant party in the US.
Both reigning paries today are screwing their conservatives.
I would dearly love to see a Conservative Party but I have neither the "smarts" nor the funds to launch such an operation.
You don't have to suspend Posse Comitatus to put the Guard in the field, you only do that to put the US Army in the field...
ReplyDeleteNow, here's the catch, much of our Guard is under FEDERAL ORDERS at the moment because they were deployed to Iraq...
And some folks think there's no conspiracy?? I just hatched one right there...
Interesting post, Longstreet. It seems the immigration crisis has stirred up some genuine emotion on both the left and the right.
ReplyDeleteUntil recently, the only MSM broadcaster covering the immigration crisis on a regular basis has been CNN's Lou Dobbs. He has done a stellar job representing the working men and women of America and trying to hold the politician's feet to the fire on this issue.
Lou has continually made the point that the Catholic Church, Big Business, La Raza and various Hispanic groups are all advocating FOR illegal immigration. But who is advocating for the working men and women of America? It sure isn't Congress or the Executive Branch...
True, the Guard is/are state troops. However, the "Reserves" are Federal troops.
ReplyDeleteLongstreet, True, but as of right now, a tremendous number of the National Guard is under FEDERAL orders, and will remain so thru deployment to Iraq and for some time after they return home...
ReplyDeleteThe Gov. of each state has to surrender command of HIS Guard units when they go Federal...
We're going thru deactivation now with my Sons unit that just returned recently...
It's kind of a Catch-22 thing...
You are absolutely correct. I didn't mean to indicate that Guardsmen WEREN'T under federal orders and command. They are once their Governor releases them to the Feds. I was attempting to enlignten any who might not know that Reservists are Federal troops.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many Guardsmen Texas, and the other border states, has/have which are not under federal control at the moment... or, did the Governor relinguish control of the entire state's compliment of Guardsmen?
In the Reserves, certain units can be called up independent of all other units. I'm just wondering if, when the Guard is federalisd, the entire compliment of that state's Guard is federalised, or just SOME units. I would be intersted in knowing that for my own personal information.