Friday, March 17, 2006

GOP Continues to Drive Conservatives Away!

The folks over at “Right Faith” have picked up on a theme, which is running through many of the Conservative blogs these days. The GOP’s refusal to respond to it’s base, the Conservatives.

To delve even deeper, can one be a Christian and be a Democrat? Can one be a Christian and be a Republican? Apparently, one can.

I found the discussion at "Right Faith" to be compelling and I recommend it to you at:

A third Party is looking better and better. The two major political partes are leaving dissenters very little room to negotiate between their religious belief and their political belief.

I’d like to see the establishment of a “Conservative Party” which would draw conservatives from both the Democrat Party and the Republican Party. I understand a successful Conservative Party would cause the demise of the Republican Party. But, didn’t the Republican Party cause the demise of the Whig Party? It is the way of politics. I firmly believe that with the establishment of the Conservative Party, the US would still have only a two party system, as the GOP would slip into oblivion.

Conservative Republicans have learned that the Republican Party only recognizes them during an election cycle. We are angry and we are looking for a place to go. At the moment there is none.

Look, the 2006 election is already over, so far as Conservative Republicans are concerned. We intend to stay home on Election Day, or cast a protest vote. The House of Representatives will be handed over to the Democrats as a gift from spurned Conservative Republicans. We understnad this means an impeachment of President Bush. We expect the Senate to stop that in it's tracks.

If the Republican leadership is the least bit interested in saving that election, I submit to you... it is already too late. Conservatives have been hurt badly, and deeply, by the GOP leadership and we will not forgive, and make up, anytime soon.

In closing this post let me remind the GOP that if they foist John McCain upon us, as the Presidential candidate, then they should prepare for another Clinton Administration. We are not going to vote for McCain and we will not support the party’s efforts to do so.



  1. You know maybe it is time to get smart and get Liberal. this country has went places under conservative leadership
    I never, even as a Liberal would have thought: Patriot Act, D.H.S., Domestic Spying, Record Deficit, National seatbelt laws, Big brother in everyones bedrooms, sensoring the "News", The inability to answer one question, "What is the real reason we went to Irag?" and the proposition to fix the deficit: Programs that help those that need them and deserve them most: Veterans benefits being cut. America can do better. I say even as a Liberal because you guys and your media machine have lied abiut us and try to say these things that your guilty of, are things we do. I am asking the conservatives to wake-up, take off the rose colored glasses and look what the G.O.P. has actually done to this country.

  2. Frank has a *point*, the Repubs HAVE gone too far but to suggest that everyone become a LIB?? Thats as ignorant as it gets..

    C'mon Frank, use your head, Conservatives from BOTH parties need to meet in the middle and take this nation back, but being a libber is as bad as being one of those Phred Phelps fundy idiots...

    An extreme in ANY direction is NOT going to work...
