Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Senator Frist: “Senator Feingold is Flat Wrong and Irresponsible”.

"VOLPAC" has this blog posting by Senator Bill Frist of Tennessee, the Majority leader of the US Senate. Posted at 05:32 PM - March 13th, 2006, Senator Frist says: “Feingold Flat Wrong On Censure”.

To read the post, at "VOLPAC", in it’s entirety, go here:


What we have, in the Senate, is another attempt at a “stunt” by the Democrats who have no answers for anything other than to whine and moan about President Bush. They hate the man and will do everything in their power to destroy him.

But, like so many of their stunts, this one, too, will backfire, and the Democrats will be left with the one thing they do not want, and cannot survive. That is... to allow the American people to see who they really are, what their real plans for America are... and how they cling to their vision of a Socialist Utopia on these shores.

America cannot allow this to happen. Pay close attention to the Democrats as the November election approaches. They will become even more shrill, and nonsensical, in their frantic attempt to regain national political power, which, they feel, is their birthright.

If you value your freedom, do not allow the Democrats to ever regain power in the Congress. They are incapable of insuring the security of this country. They simply don’t have it in them.


1 comment:

  1. Do we need any more reason to pull out of the United Nations? World taxation is just stupid and down right against sovergnity.
