Tuesday, March 14, 2006

UN: WORLD TAXATION...Without Representation!

Over at “The Conservative Voice”, Paul Weyrich has posted a great piece on the UN’s attempts to begin worldwide taxation. This is a horrendous nightmare … if it comes to fruition:

Go here to read Weyrich’s piece:


See why we need John Bolton at the UN?

Even more important is the election of a Conservative Republican President in 2008, unless, of course, you are in favor of the US being run by the UN!

Write your Congressperson and your Senators. In your letter, or e-mail, ask for their help in stopping this attempt, by the UN, to pick our pockets, and urge them to introduce, and support, legislation to get the United States out of the United Nations… and, while we’re at it, get the United Nations out of the US!


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