Our Friends over at "Opinionnation" have it nailed!
We recommend this post:
There comes a time to "fish or cut bait". That time has come. The US has little choice other than to reduce Iran to a pile of smoking rubble. They persist in poking the Tiger with their pointed sticks. The Tiger is about to turn and like the "Lady from Niger", they'll wind up inside the Tiger.
The whiners really need to sit down and shut up. The US Sedition Laws are on the books to be used and the time is approaching when those laws will need to be enforced. We are up against that line right now.
If you don't have the reguired "guts" to do what is necessary to save America, then kindly do us the courtesy of sitting down, and shutting up, so the rest of us can be about the business of saving your sorry behinds... AGAIN!
The time is at hand to stand up for America and no longer tolerate those who will not.
Thanks for the kudos on the Iran story.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it is very important for us to not loose our nerve with Iran as I'm sure you have not done. I think many people in America and indeed the world have a mindset that is not only brainwashed into their head but is detrimental to rational thought. Peace is great, yeah we all want peace. But there comes a time when reality must be taken serious and the idealistic mantra of the far-left be shut down.
--I have read this blog quite often and I have yet to link it. I will link your site tonight--
Thank you, kind sir! You have a great site. I'm on it several times a day! Keep up the good work!
Uh where are we going to get the troops? Maybe the far-right war-mogering can send their sons and daughters to fight this one. What happened to Venezuala, I thought we had to go there, oh yeah The Chinese sent troops there so we have to back down from a fare fight. Maybe all this crap about Iran would end if China sent troops there too.
ReplyDeleteIgnorant Leftist Frank,
ReplyDeleteOne word that PERFECTLY describes
you:FUBAR. Know what that means?
Learn to spell,yutz
hoosier you got nuthing on me I'll learn to spell when your president learns to speak! You hick! Yeah I know what F.U.B.A.R. means.
ReplyDeleteHe is YOUR President too. The same
way I had to admit Slick Willy was
mine. As far as being a hick,I will
guarantee you I have seen more of this
world than you ever will. Remember,
personal insults only prove that
you can't win a debate with fact
and reason.
On a personal note, are you a 60's
protester retread? You certainly
sound like one.
No he is Your president Your supreme court appointed him and I have NO loyalty to the simpleton and no I am not a 60's protestor (being 36 yrs. old) I only recognize true red blooded Americans as president and BUSH ISN'T. Clinton was the best President I've seen, way better than this guy his daddy or Ronald McRegan, and even "Good ole boy Jimmy Carter". Only trouble with Hillary is she is too far to the right on many issues. I don't want "Republican light" as MY next president. Maybe Lindon Laruche could run :) or a real liberal like Jesus Christ!
ReplyDeleteMaybe you are a Libertarian and don't know it? You'd be in good
company. Thomas Jefferson,Benjamin
Franklin and Voltaire were Libertarians. LaRuche is just a wacko!
Clinton is alot of things; A red-
blooded American isn't one of them.
Remember, he was getting paid
$300,000.00 to make a speech in
favor of the UAE Port deal while
Hillary was campaigning against the port deal.The UAE has donated
$3,000,000.00 to Bill's library in
Little Rock. Clinton is an internationalist at best. Remember
the debaucle in Somalia. The story
you see in"Blackhawk Down" isn't
the whole story. I have a good friend who in Mogadisho when those
events transpired. What Ridley Scott doesn't tell you is there was
a US Marine Expeditionary Force
setting off the coast. 10,000 Marines,heavy armor and attack helicopters could have been deployed within 2hrs.All that was needed was an order from the White House.Instead, the White House defered to the UN. It's my opinion that the UN would have a hard time finding their asses with both hands and a map militarily speaking. It was also the FIRST time US troops came under DIRECT
foreign command. The Nighthawks,the unit involved in Mogadisho, train for NIGHT ops.
The assault in Mogadisho was performed in broad daylight pursuant to White House orders to
limit "collateral" damage.Think about something,Frank. 19 US personnel and 1,500 Somalis died
because Bill Clinton knew more than
his military leaders did about special ops. The Mogadisho debaucle
also enforced Bin Laden's view that
the US was a 'paper tiger'. Everytime we were hit by Bin Laden
and crew, all this country did,under Clinton's leadership,was
point our collective finger and lob a few cruise missles into empty tents and obliterate an aspirin plant in Sudan. That's not
Frank, your theology troubles me.
Jesus was not a Liberal. Remember
what HE told Pilate"My kingdom is
not of this world". Jesus came to
fulfill the law of Moses. Jesus
adhered to the Law. He didn't violate it;he didn't try to change
it. The concept that Jesus Christ
was a cross between Ghandi and Che
Guevara is troubling. Jesus Christ
was,and is, the Son Of God. He said Himself He came to fulfill the
Law, not to do away with it.In other words, Jesus was NOT a revolutionary. He was just doing what the
Pharisees and Sadducees SHOULD have been doing to begin with. That's not revolution,Frank, that's obedience.
PS; I probably spelled Che's last
name incorrect. Spanish names give
me fits