Anybody checked the US Sedition Laws lately???
There is so much avowed hatred for the Bush Administration and the GOP in general, coming from the Left, that we have been calling for the use of the US Sedition laws to quell this dangerous behavior. So far the Bush Administration has restrained themselves from using the Federal Laws, already on the books, to prosecute seditious behavior. But there must be a line drawn and there ought to be examples made of those who commit sedition so as to discourage those who might desire to mimic them in the future.
I could not believe there were no Sedition Laws in the US Federal Code! So, I went looking. Behold, I found them.
Now, here is the current Federal Law concerning modern day Sedition Conspiracy:
US Code
TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 115 > § 2384
§ 2384. Seditious conspiracy
Release date: 2005-08-03
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
Now that you are up on Sedition Law in the US... you may wish to keep a close watch on activities in DC, in coming weeks, which would seem to lend themselves to prosecution under the law cited above.
As an American who loves his country and does not want to see her destroyed, or degraded, by those so self centered they care nothing for anyone but themselves, I urge the Federal Government to begin applying the law.
I can understand the reluctance to do so. Some very big names in America and some very powerful groups would certainly be implicated.
Isn’t it about time the Federal Government began to enforce the law?
What about the first amendment? I just hope they use the second ammendment to defend the first one! You guys are a joke, we have the worst "president" ever, he acts like a dictator. he walks on the constitution, his administration is a joke. He has a 29% approval rating. Even Conservatives are at odds with this moron, you yourself have questioned his motives and decisions....... Shees if it were up to people like yourselves we'd still be under British rule. Thank God our Founding Fathers were Liberal! Maybe we should "Throw the tea in the harbor again!"
ReplyDeleteJUST A QUOTE FROM ABOVE, "put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States". George Bush is not the government, we the people are. He is only 1 insenificate half man. Congerss is just a group of "Yes Men" to this little half of a man. We the people are infact the government, and we the people (at least more than 30%) can't stand this bafoon. And I can only imagine what awaits for me when I get home after DNS, or NSA gets this..... But I fear not for my deeds are not for myself but for others that they may live free by and brave.
ReplyDeleteThe First Amendment doesn't cover Treason and Sedition.
ReplyDeleteWhat these folks are talking about is not covered by the First Amendment.
What they are threatening to do is by pass the electoral process and throw out the duly elected government of the US. Look that up in any dictionary. That is in violation of the US Code of Laws and and anyone involved in, or supporting, such an act should be rounded up, arrested, tried and imprisioned for 20 years to life. If anyone is hurt or killed in their little escapade, they should be put to death... after a fair trial, of course.
Frank, you are falling into the trap so many Americans fall into today, I believe because "Civics", or "Government" is no longer taught in the government(public) schools.
ReplyDeleteListen carefully. The US IS NOT A DEMOCRACY. No matter what you may have read, been told, or whatever. The US is a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC.
The difference? In a democracy everyone votes on everything, every time. In a REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC the people elect representatives, including the Presdient, to make those decisions and take those votes.
Democracy is MOB RULE. Representative Republics are the civilized form of governments.
So, when you say Bush is not the government, YOU ARE WRONG. HE is. As well as the Congress, both Houses, and the Supreme Court.
If any of us don't like it, we have elections. If one side or the other can persuade enough voters their way is better, they win the election, if not, the are supposed to sit down and shut up, 'til they get a chance to try for the election again. Anything else is anarchy and our government would be doing the citizens of this country a diservice to allow desenters to even atempt a "take-over".
If the rioters try this, after they have publicised it so much, they will most likely be arrested, en masse, and put away in Federal prisons with no chance for bail until they are tried... and they WILL be convicted. They are all looking at a minimum of 20 years in a federal prison.
Unless we win and pardon them! "Government for the people, of the people." Dissenters are not in the minority, we are the majority, he is the minority. He was duly appointed by the supreme court in 2000 (stopped the recount) and stole Ohio (provisional ballots not counted). And I am from Ohio, I know how crooked Ken
ReplyDeleteBlackwell, and Governor Taft are. Worst state administration int he union! oh yeah nad they are Republican neo-facists too. Our elected repreentative only represent the highest bidder, it is broken.
Down here in North Carolina, we have a Republican state with a Democrat governor. Because the Democrats own the "electoral machine" in the state. Speaking of governors... we will gladly swap our Democrat governoer "Sleasly" for yours!
ReplyDeleteWe have three liberal zones in the state. Asheville, Cary and Wilmington(Hollywood East!). These areas are like little socialist enclaves. The rest of us have as little to do with them as possible.
We just managed to get a statewide lottery here because it was sold as a way to fund education in the state. The Lottery is not even up and running yet and already the governor is raiding the money for "other" statewide needs. Plus, the legislature increased the gas tax (their answer to increasing prices at the pump!)
The chances are extremely good that the Republicans will win the governor's race next election.
If you want to see a comparison, my county is run, solidly, by Democrats. It is in near bankruptcy. The county adjoining mine is run by Republicans and it is booming with new jobs, new industry, a constant influx of people moving into the county, I mean it's growing by leaps and bounds. I have encouraged my county to declare bankruptcy and ask to be annexed by that Republican county. They don't look for reasons things can't be done, they look for ways to get it done, period! And they do!
No... given a choice as to which party I want to run my government, at the city, county, state and national level, at the moment it isthe Republicans. Sure they make mistakes. Remember, you don't make mistakes if you don't do anything. The Clinton Administration is a shining example of not doing anything so they wouldn't screw-up! Best in the history of the country at that. As a result, Bush inherited a boat load of trouble including Bin Ladin.
While I'm at it, this President could not care less what the polls say. He doesn't have to stand for election again.
The Democrats resemble little terrier dogs running around barking so loudly they bounce off the floor and nipping harmlessly at his heels. Just a nuisance. Nothing else.
Your comments reassure me we need a subclass of humans called Republicans!
ReplyDeleteLike the republicans did to Clinton....... "Nipping harmlessly at his heels."
ReplyDelete"Like the republicans did to Clinton....... "Nipping harmlessly at his heels."
PRETTY MUCH, YES! The Senate didn't have the cajones to bring the hammer down. They still don't.
“Your comments reassure me we need a subclass of humans called Republicans!”
Well, SOMEBODY has to take of you folks! You seem intent on being wards of rational Americans.
Longstreet and J. Davis, by "these people" I figure that you are talking about the group mentioned in the previous post. I'm also figuring that you didn't read the entire message in the link you put up.
ReplyDeleteWhat this group is planning is a rally. A rally is not illegal nor does it violate the sedetion laws you are so fond of.
Granted, it can be hard to realize that is what that entire link is about. Especially when you skim the site or just read the header. Storming the White House sounds rather ominous. Even threatening. That is until you read this sentence "Inviting everyone to the White House for a protest rally to show that we do not accept the criminal government, illegal wars and the permanent occupation planned for Iraq and Afghanistan."
A protest rally is a constitutionally protected right of this citizens of this country. Even if you don't like what they are saying. Even if they are saying that they don't like the government and want the government removed.
Now, if you are going to say that protest rallys are illegal, then let me know when you plan on implementing the progroms Hitler was so fond of in Germany. You see, it was just that type of silencing of dissent that allowed Hitler and his Nazi party to enact their schemes with minimal to no complaints from their citizens.
Let me explain my use of the phrase "Those people".
ReplyDeleteI have repectfully borrowed it from the great General Robert E. Lee. That is the way he referred to the Federal troops. He had great respect for them as Americans and as fellow warriors. So, he would not use a derogatory term to describe them.
Mr. Davis can explain his use of the term if he feels the need. I shan't presume to deprive him of that priviledge.
"Now, if you are going to say that protest rallys are illegal, then let me know when you plan on implementing the progroms Hitler was so fond of in Germany."
I assure you sir, that I have no interest in shutting down protest rallys. They are legal and they are constitutional. However, I have never felt the need to make a fool of myself by participating in one. I have found that working within the system is far more effective and lessens the tendency to "P.O." the opposition!
A P.O.'ed opposition's position tends to harden and set.
Great commet, though, except for the reference to Hitler.
Thanks for my daily dose of random Republican idiotic ramblings, longstreet! You make Republicans destroying America fun for all of us "thinkers".
ReplyDelete"Thanks for my daily dose of random Republican idiotic ramblings, longstreet! You make Republicans destroying America fun for all of us "thinkers".
Why, thank you, Brad! Just trying to give you guys a "heads-up" before the roof falls in on you.